For Tirso Canales
1) PART OF PARTICIPATORY DEMOCRACY belongs to you. It left her inheritance million Salvadoran women and men throughout the centuries fought to conquer the economic, social, political and cultural rights, often at the expense of their lives. The people, nobody ever gave him any right. The small democratic freedoms that we now live, have cost much blood, many lives of their children. Each and every one of the rights expressed in the letter of the Constitution of the Republic, have been the work of untold effort and sacrifice of generations of workers who have reached fighting through all kinds of popular struggle, from workers' strikes to war.
2) THE TOWN kept in ignorance and apathy, not realizing the source of its rights and democratic freedoms, has arrived, by dint of being submitted and not study history, to believe that their rights have fallen from heaven, or has been favored by many of his enemies have been almost all presidents, congressmen, mayors, etc. Media advertising those rich politicians, businessmen, bankers and landowners, are responsible for repeat children and young people in public positions are "representatives" of the people. In the current political system, that's a lie.
3) IN THE NEWS OF OUR COUNTRY, after 190 years of independence, the people asked in the strongest terms what happens in our country to overcome natural disasters, social upheavals and wars, and we are becoming poorer? In El Salvador have ruled for centuries, landowners, bankers, wealthy industrialists, the military and all the people used to climb to power.
From 1989 to 2009, was the political representation of part of the oligarchy, represented by the rightist ARENA party, which by their greedy politicians, took the State to enrich themselves and steal the heritage in theory belongs to all people.
But what happens now? The people, deceived again, was used by political parties to be tools of the regime, used to cover up the thefts by the name of "privatization" made against the national heritage. So the rightwing ARENA and politicians from other parties who accompanied him on the looting of the country's economy, rather than feeling threatened by justice, they feel protected by the present government under the great capital.
4) The Salvadoran people wondered: Why only in other countries under investigation, it is claimed, are prosecuted and punished to the presidents and politicians who steal the property of the State? In the same region is near Costa Rica, Guatemala and Nicaragua that have been sent to prison more than a former president and ex-ministers thieves. But here, political parties and thieves of state assets, are now allies of the government, and apply the full weight of their brutality against small Salvadoran people's democratic aspirations.
trilogy ARENA FMLN Mauricio Funes, crushing the aspirations of the people, is a topical example, through measures including neo-fascists.
5) A PARTY supposedly "left" AND ONE OF RIGHT adopted a neo-fascist law, and President The approved sanctions. In only 34 days straight, the trilogy-ARENA FMLN Mauricio Funes, changed the political regime, "republican, democratic and representative" as it is called the Constitution, and endowed the state from a neo-fascist laws like the most.
6) ARE AS IGNORANT OF THE FMLN, ARENA AND FUNES? Or did it on purpose? Did not even have a "political advisor" to guide them on such basic issues?
7) neo-fascism ES sworn enemy of democratic freedoms, the same why our people have struggled throughout their history.
8) IS ELEMENTARY KNOW THAT "neo-fascism is the ideology of the petty and middle bourgeoisie, classless social climbers, their characteristics are extremely reactionary and aggressive. Usually, parties and neo-fascist groups are closely linked to one or the other sectors of the ruling class, are funded by them and, ultimately, serve their political interests. " What truths will remember these words? (Brief Political December, Edit. Progress).
1) PART OF PARTICIPATORY DEMOCRACY belongs to you. It left her inheritance million Salvadoran women and men throughout the centuries fought to conquer the economic, social, political and cultural rights, often at the expense of their lives. The people, nobody ever gave him any right. The small democratic freedoms that we now live, have cost much blood, many lives of their children. Each and every one of the rights expressed in the letter of the Constitution of the Republic, have been the work of untold effort and sacrifice of generations of workers who have reached fighting through all kinds of popular struggle, from workers' strikes to war.
2) THE TOWN kept in ignorance and apathy, not realizing the source of its rights and democratic freedoms, has arrived, by dint of being submitted and not study history, to believe that their rights have fallen from heaven, or has been favored by many of his enemies have been almost all presidents, congressmen, mayors, etc. Media advertising those rich politicians, businessmen, bankers and landowners, are responsible for repeat children and young people in public positions are "representatives" of the people. In the current political system, that's a lie.
3) IN THE NEWS OF OUR COUNTRY, after 190 years of independence, the people asked in the strongest terms what happens in our country to overcome natural disasters, social upheavals and wars, and we are becoming poorer? In El Salvador have ruled for centuries, landowners, bankers, wealthy industrialists, the military and all the people used to climb to power.
From 1989 to 2009, was the political representation of part of the oligarchy, represented by the rightist ARENA party, which by their greedy politicians, took the State to enrich themselves and steal the heritage in theory belongs to all people.
But what happens now? The people, deceived again, was used by political parties to be tools of the regime, used to cover up the thefts by the name of "privatization" made against the national heritage. So the rightwing ARENA and politicians from other parties who accompanied him on the looting of the country's economy, rather than feeling threatened by justice, they feel protected by the present government under the great capital.
4) The Salvadoran people wondered: Why only in other countries under investigation, it is claimed, are prosecuted and punished to the presidents and politicians who steal the property of the State? In the same region is near Costa Rica, Guatemala and Nicaragua that have been sent to prison more than a former president and ex-ministers thieves. But here, political parties and thieves of state assets, are now allies of the government, and apply the full weight of their brutality against small Salvadoran people's democratic aspirations.
trilogy ARENA FMLN Mauricio Funes, crushing the aspirations of the people, is a topical example, through measures including neo-fascists.
5) A PARTY supposedly "left" AND ONE OF RIGHT adopted a neo-fascist law, and President The approved sanctions. In only 34 days straight, the trilogy-ARENA FMLN Mauricio Funes, changed the political regime, "republican, democratic and representative" as it is called the Constitution, and endowed the state from a neo-fascist laws like the most.
6) ARE AS IGNORANT OF THE FMLN, ARENA AND FUNES? Or did it on purpose? Did not even have a "political advisor" to guide them on such basic issues?
7) neo-fascism ES sworn enemy of democratic freedoms, the same why our people have struggled throughout their history.
8) IS ELEMENTARY KNOW THAT "neo-fascism is the ideology of the petty and middle bourgeoisie, classless social climbers, their characteristics are extremely reactionary and aggressive. Usually, parties and neo-fascist groups are closely linked to one or the other sectors of the ruling class, are funded by them and, ultimately, serve their political interests. " What truths will remember these words? (Brief Political December, Edit. Progress).
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