Once the review of the history we move into the stormy future. "We are thus heading towards a new Dark Age? "History is cyclical and repeats itself, as discussed many philosophers?
Philip K. Dick could read Latin to take LSD |
Since the mid-nineteenth century until today has become a global effort to eradicate illiteracy in their population and to extend compulsory education to a certain age, to prohibit child labor ... Or Will this trend be reversed? I think there are going to invest, or not at all. At least we're not going to the illiteracy rate in any case to a "functional illiteracy" that people know that the M to the A reads "MA", but is not able to understand everything you read.
technology will not miss, no matter who is left to use, and their use requires a minimum of education. But it is likely that more and more difference between what they study and the privileged few who study the masses that communicate through sms without spelling, and not only can solve a quadratic equation or never read a book but also boast of it. Ignorance is presented as a positive value, the ignorant is the winner and learning something is the weirdo class. U.S. and started this way for some time and had to import brains from other countries for technical positions. Education as a privilege to mark the differences between breeds, with the serfs happy to chat with your mobile using many abbreviations.
serf, and if lucky |
simile would be closer to the Roman Empire. To have soldiers get citizenship for themselves and their families completed their military service. Occupied by military bases all its allies. English is the new Latin. Finally, much has been written on imperialism as to Now make a list of its support for coups, corporations, cultural influence, etc. The rule continues to base its power in the military. Although their costs are increasing and have contributed to the current economic crisis.
The provinces of the empire would be the country most Americans, Europeans, Arabs and Asians. The barbarians would all the other countries that host U.S. bases (which are less than you think), and China could well occupy the place that was Persia to Rome. Although we said the same thing a few years ago the Soviet Union. It's actually very difficult to make similarities with two situations world so different.
the moment is not likely to occur over a period of civil war in the empire, as there was in the third century. The emperor is elected every 4 years, boosted by economic powers. At the moment the rule is still under expansion and only attack the barbarians, but there are other means by which we may come to chaos and internal fracture. An energy crisis could be strong enough to collapse the transport and communications.
For example, by Peak Oil. A barrel of oil at $ 200 or more, without having developed an alternative to use. Would run out of air travel for the masses, the distribution of food and would collapse and have to rely on local crops, would be impossible to live in a neighborhood and walk 50 miles to get the job ... Power cuts, restrictions on use for internet, television and all media ... and no need to censor anything. The end of an era of information due to the prohibitive cost.
gasoline Killing |
is quite likely that world population will stabilize, but it is always risky to predict these things. At the moment there is leftover food to the people the planet and there is hunger and malnutrition because it occurs only for money and not everyone has to eat, but could occur in the future has not even for those who can afford it. It is also likely due to disasters in the ecosystem and climate changes we see forced into wars for resources as basic as water.
currently existing private military companies (XE-Blackwater, DynCorp, and others) much like the private armies of feudal lords. For now his clients are usually governments.
And to end the matter, and being optimistic, maybe everything is just as bad and does not worsen.
The Empire never ended |
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