the people of El Salvador:
Dear Salvadoran
and El Salvador.
and El Salvador.

However, before to ask me to apologize, you all should, and if some dignity and courage allows them, consider asking the same people who really insulted them daily, the same that have insulted corrupt actions, dishonest and killer for the past 30 years.
to apologize, then, Alfredo Cristiani and his group for the abuse they have on the prices of medicines. Also for selling expired medicines to ISSS and for stealing from the bank. And what about the donations from the Japanese government? And what about the murder of the Jesuits?
Tony Saca to apologize for having wasted hundreds of millions of dollars from state coffers, the money from all of you, to be advertised on radio stations he owned. To apologize for having large doors open to our greedy and ruthless American companies with the FTA.
That also apologize Presidents Francisco Flores and Armando Calderon Sol to have dollarized your economy and add a tax added to everything, even food, thus preventing human development in El Salvador.
deputies to apologize: these opportunistic freeloaders policy drones, all without distinction party, they have never passed a single law so that really benefits them. I ask forgive me if I do wrong.
to apologize certain media hide the truth and defending interests other than collective interests.
to apologize for 20 years of rampant corruption and many other years because of gruesome murders against you, people.
apologize military shoot-made to bleed your country for decades and today is no penalty for walking the streets of El Salvador.
apologize military shoot-made to bleed your country for decades and today is no penalty for walking the streets of El Salvador.
to apologize for having left the FMLN as thinking people and made today against the social, kneeling in front of my government, in addition to having passed a decree that prevents them from all of you the right to elect the deputies they want.
apologize Mauricio Funes, the current leader of spendthrift drone band state because it has not complied with-or meet-all they promised in the presidential campaign.
to apologize crawling all these politicians, that all they seek is to fatten their pockets and living well at the expense of all of you.
to apologize powerful that keep your country in a morass economic and social-that for decades, and do not have the capacity nor the intention to take it forward, whether they ANEP, FUSADES or whatever you call them.
That REALLY sorry that I hurt you, your children, grandchildren, and your country!
Sheengón Charlie!
PS: And to continue the fuck the weekend!
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