Tuesday, March 22, 2011

How To Make Arabbit Hut

Open Letter to Barack Obama

San Salvador, March 22, 2011.

Lord Barack Obama, President of the United States.

Mr. President,
undersigned organizations we wanted to use the occasion of the visit you make to our country, to ask for your attention to what is here set out:

The global economic crisis, climate change, drug trafficking, insecurity and food crises are rooted in an economic model imposed on our people by the great powers world, mainly the United States. Do not omit to express our dissatisfaction in relation to the way in which they have handled the trade relations between both countries today, still the CAFTA and its negative impacts the best example. We hope, Mr. President, that your government to take responsibility that belongs to the consequences of these evils cause of our people.

The Alliance for Progress led in the sixties did not bring any progress to our people. United Nations reports confirm this. The promoter of this program was President John Kennedy, a Democrat like you and also directly responsible for the invasion of American troops to Cuba in April 1961. He was also President Kennedy who began the war against the people of Vietnam.

Now, fifty years later, you proposed, almost the same name, to promote a program called "partnership to grow" (partnership to grow) between our little country and yours, "immensely developed. President Kennedy did not hide the ideological-political purpose of that program under the then Cold War. This alliance was intended to cover all of Latin America, except Cuba, you might pretend to cover only four countries in the world within which El Salvador would be the only one of our continent. But Cuba, even now under his administration, Mr. President, continues to suffer from the blockade for more than fifty years.

We look forward, Mr. President, what it means for us in terms of developing your program: if you really going to respond to the needs and priorities of the majority of our people, helping overcome the current model of consumerism and build our capacity productive without involving constraints of any kind or used for covert political agendas. Today, he noted, with the respect they deserve role that our people will not be fooled this time. Ie

• We are willing as a people to assert our sovereignty all, without distinction of any kind and in a framework of self-determination, and support our governments to establish relations of friendship and full cooperation, no trade and business only, with any country in the world, including countries of the current ALBA.

• We will be vigilant about compliance with the mandate of creating Comalapa Monitoring Centre, which should be limited strictly to combat drug trafficking. We will not allow this center as a platform to attack other countries of the region or continent. We will not allow either that the ILEA continue graduating torturers.

addition, President Obama: What are the reasons, presidential power you have, not order the release of five Cuban prisoners, convicted unjustly, without evidence to hold, to be incarcerated on American soil? What pressures will prevent this injustice end? What reasons, on the basis of the achievements of human civilization, over time, and on the basis of international law prevent him from doing what is necessary to end the embargo against Cuba? Similarly

express our rejection of any policy of war and interventionist in the world. Therefore we reject the decision of the Security Council of the UN and condemn any kind of intervention to the internal conflict in Libya.

migrants in relation to urge you to work more decisively and with courage and bravery, respect for human rights, and in this sense to stop the manufacturers of racist and discriminatory laws in your country, directed against our brothers "Hispanics" who are forced to leave their land, due to the imposition of economic models that have not generated development opportunities for our people. Our migrants are an essential part of the productive fabric of the American economy, so it is not enough with a temporary solution as the TPS, but comprehensive immigration reform to allow the legalization of all undocumented migrants.

Finally, we welcome your visit to the tomb of Archbishop Romero. We say in this connection that Monsignor Romero is the son of our humble people, and who will remain pastor of the poor of our country and the world. We therefore hope that his gesture to the crypt where the remains of our pastor contributes to awareness so that never again the dark forces, and recalcitrant violators of human rights can regain the strength to commit such acts of barbarism as being perpetrated against our pastor for thirty-one years or our country or any country in our region and the world.

Receive our greetings, Mr. President and be a carrier of the American people.





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