As we saw in previous articles Roman Empire endured well after completing a century of conquest phase, and then had a crisis in 150 years without losing major battles. Other empires endured or a tenth of what was lasting Rome. Although the capital was no longer Rome after the partition of Theodosius the capital of the West was Ravenna, and Constantinople East was .
At this point the year 400, the negative balance of the situation was: part of Europe deforestation, mining, outdoor and poor harvests, signs of climate change epidemics, looting by the army, looting and killings by barbarians, a centuries-old war against the Persians, excessive lead in food and wine, extinction of species (lion European, North African elephant) for their game ... On the positive side, archeology has proven that ordinary people were not malnourished. Economic decentralization of the empire had alleviated the situation of the masses in times of crisis.
Christianity did no more peace to people, like you've never gotten any religion. For example, when the Mongols converted to Buddhism failed to execute people by cutting off the head, yes, but they thought they could cut the tendons of the ankles and dumped in the desert.
The Romans were still fond of gladiatorial shows. In the 404 was a monk who protested the carnage and jumped into the arena to stop it. The Christian public stoned him to death. This death, however, it does set off a wave of outrage and outlawed the games. It was also a saving to the exchequer. Since then the chariot races were the sport.
Paganism had not disappeared. Despite being Christianity the official religion of the Empire, over the centuries IV and V had to fight to prevail, and its presence was greater in cities than in rural areas, which is always more attached to tradition. Christian clergy was in against the pagan philosophers and teachers of public schools, promoting private education in religious schools, with the result that the general population was becoming increasingly illiterate. The situation of women worsened each decade.
Hypatia in 415 dies |
Senior officials of this era were eunuchs, castrated slaves is their childhood, chosen for positions of trust because unable to rule or have children not conspire to usurp the throne. Still involved in many conspiracies and instead of emperors ruled weak. The same thing happened with several generals, Roman or barbarian origin, who were appointed guardians of emperors children and guided its policy for personal gain, sometimes marrying their daughters to the emperors.
Christianity never opposed slavery (even in the beginning), it was natural and the churches had many lands and many slaves who cultivated. The emperor ceased to be divine and "Pontifex Maximus" , but became "Vicar of Christ", "Regent of God on Earth" and "Equal to the Apostles." The offense to the emperor was blasphemy.
December 31 406 froze the Rhine. This detail made it possible for hundreds of riders barbarians crossed without bridges, mocking Roman surveillance. The Swabians , Alans and Vandals reach Hispania and southern Gaul . The emperor of East Roman general named king of the Visigoths and commissioned him to defeat the invaders in exchange for ruling the land in his name. The Visigoths triumph (after sacking Rome in 410), leaving a Swabian kingdom in the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula and driving the remnants of Alans and Vandals, who through a series of pacts, treachery, and battles, take over from North Africa.
The barbarians were dangerous in open battle, but his ignorance of engineering were a nullity as to make cities and protect them. Only taking by deception, luck, or surrender without a fight from the terrified population. And once set in them depended on the Romans to keep the walls. The Germans admired many things about the Romans, but did not want their children to study, argued that if Germany learned to fear the rod of the teacher as a child, an adult would not show value against the enemy spears.
During the V century we pillaging Attila and Huns and Germanic confederation. Odoacer , son of a general of Attila, came to be leader of the mercenaries at the service of Emperor of the West. Until one day he decided that instead of governing in the shadow could depose the emperor, be nominated king of Italy, and to allocate state land (one third of the total, the other third was of the Church, and the remaining was in private hands ) among its soldiers. This fact, which occurs at 476 , is that historians have told you that is "The Fall of the Roman Empire when in fact the Empire still existed. The Eastern Emperor became angry and sent the Ostrogoths to depose Odoacer and manage Italy in its name the same as the Visigoths managed Hispania. This was done, and the Ostrogoths took possession of lot of land.
The barbarians were numerically inferior to the Romans, but all adult males participated in the war. Hispanics were 5 million. The Visigoths were 300,000, but a fifth of them (60,000) were able to make war. Apart from being more flexible in distributing its forces, to become the official army could invoke Hispania Roman law made it illegal for civilians to carry weapons, so a revolt Hispano was impossible. So when we "Visigothic Kingdom" on the map is that the Visigoths were only soldiers and their families, but were those who held most political power along with some local aristocrats and Catholic bishops (being Arian Goths .)
Over time, the Visigoth minority changed their language and religion, adapting to the majority. Latin and ended up talking about Catholicism. The Arian heresy disappeared, along with the Gothic language. In Britain, however, the withdrawal of the Roman army led to the disappearance Latin and a temporary return of paganism. V century meant for the Empire lost control of half of its territory.
Arthur was Roman |
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