Oddities of my mind
When I started this in my living space, I thought that here might express not only the events of the day and weigh the benefits of the place where I live, but also offer my opinions on this and that, on divine and human, without thinking what it would be politically correct or bother the neighbor next door.
So I will continue doing.
Today, when the focus is on Qaddafi, Japan, Sortu, etc., It gives me to think that after having begun a period spring, that after all is only an agreement made by the man who decides to divide and times of the year, we are not setting in nature.
is her nature, the above governing conventions and agreements. Through which atmospheric phenomena, weather, or thermoelectric energy leads us to believe our terms, which we developed by ourselves and our intelligence.
If it rains a lot, spoil someone thinking of dry weather to do their homework, if you make a tremendous wind, forced to delay the construction of structures in need of stillness air, etc, etc.
could use this weekend is upon us, to stop and observe nature.
Look at the sky and see if there are clouds, if they move, where they go, if There are more birds than a few weeks ago, if they are different from other years.
feel on the skin and not as cold as days ago, and even if it is raining or windy conditions to see what feelings This occurs in our body.
will change the official time early Saturday to Sunday, Daylight Saving Time an hour.
That time we go away, sure that nature has in his possession, let us search.
Saquémosle juice.
And above all, enjoy being able to contemplate nature in its entirety, others no longer can.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Reno 911 Blue Costume
A visit or just a stopover for dinner?
"The Americas are our home and, consequently, no other region of the world that affects us more." "Part of Barack Obama's speech.
Q hat he meant President Obama with this? If you read through the eyes of a surgeon, is found twin resemblance to one of the tenets of the Monroe Doctrine: "America for Americans", which was reflected in the Santa Fe Document, which redesigned the Reagan-era policy for America America and the Caribbean Basin. But this is not the spirit of what I will try, but to take stock of the "visit" that President Obama do to the country, and how the outstretched hands were not able to close with something meaty in them and to take it to pocket.
As is well known, the last two weeks before the arrival of Obama, what is left in the political environment were the crazy trying to get statements as well as possible with the man who represents the most powerful country on the planet ... at least militarily. Some of these statements scratched with the most shameful indignities, this was the case members of the leadership of the FMLN, which deservedly take the prize for having excelled in so sad masquerade, praising the "changes in the foreign policy of the United States," even when their noses, Obama, from Brazil, was the order to attack Libya, along with the other powers, France and England, with the inevitable complicity of the United Nations and also shameful abstention of China and Russia in the Security Council of the UN, which could well have exercised their rights veto.
Watching this short parade of President Obama in the country, which only lasted 22 hours, I was reminded of the very short words of Fermina Daza to return to the old Macondo, from Paris. When asked how Paris was, she replied in his typical montuno language: "More is the noise!". Something similar has happened with the advent of Obama. "They spent gunpowder in grackles", as my grandmother. The agenda, as is known, the top step, much as Foreign Minister Hugo Martinez boasted of his trips to the U.S., declaring it was "were working on the agenda with the Department of State." This was reduced to just one point that he had no discussion: Security. Understanding, of course, it is Uinc security of the United States, since it is an extension of Plan Colombia and the Merida Plan, and which Obama only offered 200 million for the region, which, if properly computed, would correspond to each Central American country, 33 million over the next five years. "Do not reach or to supply three sets of members ... and are demanding," he told a friend.
On the problem of immigrants, which was the flag raised by the FMLN, vainly trying to gain sympathy election, there was nothing specific from Obama. This will only say he will make efforts to try to fix the problem, while recalling that "the U.S. is a country of laws." A clear message that anyone who violate these laws will be faced gringo them and to the U.S., immigrants are illegal, ie, break the laws of the country. In other words, the raids and deportations continue without stopping, and have continued steadily over recent decades. To date, these statements have not been answered either by the government or by the "ruling party." This is another dead hope, both for aufemísticamente called "distant brothers" to the "Close Brothers" recipendiarios of remittances.
the end, and to end the news conference, Funes was emboldened, waiting, perhaps, an endorsement of Obama. Went beyond what a press conference can be admissible subtly charged against private enterprise, calling for Tax Reform. If you notice the look that launched Obama, it seems that he was exclaiming, "And this?".
The FMLN was notably absent, there was no mention, let alone a single mention of its existence. It was totally ignored. So that those statements that Obama was "the first U.S. president to visit a leftist government, vanished down the throats of those who spent repeating much saliva as a slogan, because neither the FMLN is left, and Funes wants to have that stink that bothers you so much. Someone said that "the FMLN is the mutt cock tail between legs ". The" joy "who reported Obama's visit, as he received payment of the Devil. Some electoral debt paid. Hagan memory!
The pact of peaceful coexistence Funes - FMLN
political pacts are as the oaths of eternal love, the forgiveness of those who have scarcely met. After so many fights between FMLN Funes and that look more like bedroom fights, it seems they have achieved a truce. And, at least least publicly show face of husband and wife reconciled. But ... one day pacts are signed, the next day and forgotten the next day they break! That has been and is the hilly marital life with Funes FMLN, one had to give to the other. Needless to say who has been the piñata hanging that has withstood the blows on the grounds of the Vatican cardinals, who live the motto that says that "What is good for God, is good for us." Something like that is the reflection of the FMLN leadership, he says, consoling himself that "Everything good that Funes do benefits us!".
Only this station that President Obama did at home, however much roll up and unroll as in the hands of cipotes yoyo, did not give either the desired results so saliva spent waiting. Still, Funes, in his address to the nation, still a little left over saliva to declare "We are facing a historic opportunity to begin to solve the serious problems of El Salvador." Mr. President, is that you truly believe that the U.S. are going to deal with serious addiction problems in El Salvador? You, then, in two years has not understood or learned that their role is precisely to find a solution to the problems of the country? Sorry, your "illustrious lordship," but it seems that you do not know the shirt in which eleven staff has gotten!
It's not just the president who slips on the ingenuity and craftiness. The brand Siegfried Reyes also made him the second president when he said "The visit of Obama to the Crypt of Monsignor Romero, symbolizes that the relationship with the U.S. central axis will respect human rights and the pursuit of social justice. "This is the height of shamelessness and hypocrisy! Siegfried: Menthyl to people say how many want to look good. Enjoy it now gives you shed blood, but not to run the memory of Archbishop Romero and so many martyrs. The best we can do is give "thanks and forgiveness for this day the dead in your happiness "as you sing Silvio Rodríguez.
With FMLN so, Washington has no Why grind your teeth! On the contrary, may well take the tongue and circled pasearsela mouth. Also, with a president as it is entangled Funes, which conflicts with their own words spoken at the dinner, saying that this is a country that does not expect a Messiah, but the next day announces not the Messiah, or messenger, but that you will solve the problems of the country!
So, the much ballyhooed announcement by the leadership in unison, repeating that Obama came to "greet the first leftist government" was not anywhere. And guests were. Obama knows perfectly well that there are no, even remotely, a left government. Again, neither the FMLN is left, and Funes would like to have that "smell" the FMLN shook for a while!
Watching this short parade of President Obama in the country, which only lasted 22 hours, I was reminded of the very short words of Fermina Daza to return to the old Macondo, from Paris. When asked how Paris was, she replied in his typical montuno language: "More is the noise!". Something similar has happened with the advent of Obama. "They spent gunpowder in grackles", as my grandmother. The agenda, as is known, the top step, much as Foreign Minister Hugo Martinez boasted of his trips to the U.S., declaring it was "were working on the agenda with the Department of State." This was reduced to just one point that he had no discussion: Security. Understanding, of course, it is Uinc security of the United States, since it is an extension of Plan Colombia and the Merida Plan, and which Obama only offered 200 million for the region, which, if properly computed, would correspond to each Central American country, 33 million over the next five years. "Do not reach or to supply three sets of members ... and are demanding," he told a friend.
On the problem of immigrants, which was the flag raised by the FMLN, vainly trying to gain sympathy election, there was nothing specific from Obama. This will only say he will make efforts to try to fix the problem, while recalling that "the U.S. is a country of laws." A clear message that anyone who violate these laws will be faced gringo them and to the U.S., immigrants are illegal, ie, break the laws of the country. In other words, the raids and deportations continue without stopping, and have continued steadily over recent decades. To date, these statements have not been answered either by the government or by the "ruling party." This is another dead hope, both for aufemísticamente called "distant brothers" to the "Close Brothers" recipendiarios of remittances.
the end, and to end the news conference, Funes was emboldened, waiting, perhaps, an endorsement of Obama. Went beyond what a press conference can be admissible subtly charged against private enterprise, calling for Tax Reform. If you notice the look that launched Obama, it seems that he was exclaiming, "And this?".
The FMLN was notably absent, there was no mention, let alone a single mention of its existence. It was totally ignored. So that those statements that Obama was "the first U.S. president to visit a leftist government, vanished down the throats of those who spent repeating much saliva as a slogan, because neither the FMLN is left, and Funes wants to have that stink that bothers you so much. Someone said that "the FMLN is the mutt cock tail between legs ". The" joy "who reported Obama's visit, as he received payment of the Devil. Some electoral debt paid. Hagan memory!
The pact of peaceful coexistence Funes - FMLN
political pacts are as the oaths of eternal love, the forgiveness of those who have scarcely met. After so many fights between FMLN Funes and that look more like bedroom fights, it seems they have achieved a truce. And, at least least publicly show face of husband and wife reconciled. But ... one day pacts are signed, the next day and forgotten the next day they break! That has been and is the hilly marital life with Funes FMLN, one had to give to the other. Needless to say who has been the piñata hanging that has withstood the blows on the grounds of the Vatican cardinals, who live the motto that says that "What is good for God, is good for us." Something like that is the reflection of the FMLN leadership, he says, consoling himself that "Everything good that Funes do benefits us!".
Only this station that President Obama did at home, however much roll up and unroll as in the hands of cipotes yoyo, did not give either the desired results so saliva spent waiting. Still, Funes, in his address to the nation, still a little left over saliva to declare "We are facing a historic opportunity to begin to solve the serious problems of El Salvador." Mr. President, is that you truly believe that the U.S. are going to deal with serious addiction problems in El Salvador? You, then, in two years has not understood or learned that their role is precisely to find a solution to the problems of the country? Sorry, your "illustrious lordship," but it seems that you do not know the shirt in which eleven staff has gotten!
It's not just the president who slips on the ingenuity and craftiness. The brand Siegfried Reyes also made him the second president when he said "The visit of Obama to the Crypt of Monsignor Romero, symbolizes that the relationship with the U.S. central axis will respect human rights and the pursuit of social justice. "This is the height of shamelessness and hypocrisy! Siegfried: Menthyl to people say how many want to look good. Enjoy it now gives you shed blood, but not to run the memory of Archbishop Romero and so many martyrs. The best we can do is give "thanks and forgiveness for this day the dead in your happiness "as you sing Silvio Rodríguez.
With FMLN so, Washington has no Why grind your teeth! On the contrary, may well take the tongue and circled pasearsela mouth. Also, with a president as it is entangled Funes, which conflicts with their own words spoken at the dinner, saying that this is a country that does not expect a Messiah, but the next day announces not the Messiah, or messenger, but that you will solve the problems of the country!
So, the much ballyhooed announcement by the leadership in unison, repeating that Obama came to "greet the first leftist government" was not anywhere. And guests were. Obama knows perfectly well that there are no, even remotely, a left government. Again, neither the FMLN is left, and Funes would like to have that "smell" the FMLN shook for a while!
Salvador Arias
Outfits For Lola Luftnagle
James Petras: The ex-guerrillas in many places have become conservative. Uruguay, Brazil and now in El Salvador. Phrases
"El Salvador is no big thing, (Obama) goes beyond simply trying to sign some agreements on drug traffickers are using El Salvador as part of operations and consolidate the U.S. presence in El Salvador as a point of operations . The Frente Farabundo Marti shows his face again as a pro-imperialist party, have done nothing to criticize this invitation Funes, President, and shows how the ex-guerrillas in many places have become conservatives, both in Uruguay and Brazil now in El Salvador. No surprises in this process of conversion from left to right.
second part of the interview from Radio Centenario, Uruguay.
Angeles : We divide time into two broad themes. The other is Obama's visit in Latin America. The stage has already been fulfilled in Brazil and now Chile and El Salvador
Petras: The fact is that Obama's visit in Brazil was a big failure. First occurs the release of American aggression against Libya at the time of Obama giving a speech about his appreciation of the similarities with Brazil, Brazil opposes the attack and imperial intervention. The sample for the failure of Obama is on several sides. First, the agreements they signed no major economic and commercial consequences. These things are marginal.
Second, the fact is that within Brazil, Obama has been discredited, so much so that had to cancel his original speech Cinelandia Square and end at the town hall where guests could attend only government-government Rousseff with claques welcoming. The bottom line was simply a public relations exercise with little consequence. Rousseff or get U.S. support to enter the Security Council United Nations. In this sense we should give more importance to Obama's visit to Brazil.
going to give a speech on free markets and match with Chile because Chile has long since complied with all U.S. policy: maintaining an electoral system, maintains an open economy with exports of raw materials and has a great social inequality and polarization have not changed in the last twenty years. The main speech Obama is going to happen in Chile where there is a more favorable among party official and the alleged opposition, the so-called coalition.
El Salvador is not much, goes beyond simply trying to sign some agreements on drug traffickers are using El Salvador as part of operations and consolidate the U.S. presence in El Salvador as a point of operations. The Frente Farabundo Martí shows his face again as a pro-imperialist party, have done nothing to criticize this invitation Funes, President and shows how the ex-guerrillas in many places have become conservative in both Uruguay and Brazil and now in El Salvador. No surprises in this process of conversion from left to right.
Angeles : With Brazil on the issue, would you say anyway, despite the failure to mention that there is a new era in U.S. relations with Brazil, that conditions are different?
Petras: There and there. Rousseff There is an effort to approach the United States, lowering level of conflict in the search best match a diplomat, but the fact is that Brazil is increasingly dependent on exports to China and Asia. Its capitalists particularly the agro-mineral and financial have many diverse interests and Rousseff can not go too accommodating with the United States without losing the driving force of the Brazilian economy is currently much more involved in various markets.
can sacrifice some diplomatic aspects and Chavez shake hands instead of a hug, make a policy less friendly with Bolivia, perhaps lowering the level of support as a mediator in the Middle East, but in the end, the Brazil's economic structure does not allow many coincidences with the U.S. because they compete in some industries and have other options now more dynamic than that offered by Washington.
In the current case of U.S. attack on Libya, Brazil is against any measure of intervention in Libya, for historical reasons, for regional reasons and within the political culture of Brazil, there is no basis for relying on the U.S. intervention anywhere in the world because it interferes with Brazil's own expansionist projects, which depends on open market relations rather than military intervention.
Angeles : You know that U.S. delegations are continuously Uruguay, for all subjects, but last week was Frank Mora, the undersecretary of the ministry of defense for Western Hemisphere U.S. government. He gathered here to lecture, with the government, the military asked the budget for the Ministry of Defence. And move like parrot on your house as we say here.
Petras: Well, it's an overcompensation. We know that what is called the Broad Front left and looking to make good merits with imperialism acting sometimes with very embarrassing statements and subservient in a way that for example, Brazil does not dare to show it is a servile ruling class economy has its economic vocation. The ex-left sometimes acts as an exaggerated form to show they have left behind his leftist and now are completely different and more willing to embrace the American politicians to receive a certificate of good conduct.
Angeles : Yes came to ask you open a strategic dialogue between Uruguay and the United States in defense matters. It comes hard to us the future.
Petras: Yes Another fact to note is that what is happening in relation to Japan with the explosion of nuclear facilities. That's part of a product neoliberalism than a decade ago has left the regulation and supervision of power companies that handle these nuclear facilities. Not just a company error, a lack of investment. The fact is that the state in Japan has long ceased to administering regulations and controls in the search for higher profits for private companies that keep this whole system. Behind this disaster is neoliberalism that everywhere is promoting deregulation, lack of security for companies to maximize their profits. That is what is behind this mess.
multiplying with news now that the radiation lying is less than what it is, that the contaminated food is not contaminated, the water is full of iodine radiation. But in any case does not only lie on the degree of contamination but lie on the number of dead. Gradually began first two, three thousand and eight thousand now come but even unofficial sources say the real figure is close to 30 thousand dead and many more will have a slow death by cancer who are going to have. They speak of eight thousand but the figures we have is that there are just under 20 thousand missing ten days after the disaster, are dead. But do not say how many more will die in the coming months and years affected by this radiation. So first is the neo-liberal policy, second are the lies to try to prevent the collapse of the government and the discrediting of the political system.
And the latest good news, we could end it is the case in Yemen where the government Saleh sent by more than 30 years is about to fall. And it will be in hours or days because even pressure finally fighting mass has affected the power structure, several ministers have resigned and most importantly, the generals who command the armored troops have said they now support the rebellion. That is what the dictator Saleh depends. Saleh received millions of dollars in aid U.S.. It was his main support North America and now falls Saleh and the army is divided, but in a way favorable to the rebellion.
something that happens now appears everywhere: in the opposition is the mass that has fought, suffered over 60 dead and hundreds injured and the other side are the generals and politicians now come together to rebellion as opportunistic. United States will look the same formula of Egypt to support a transitional government to arrange military policy in the coming period. While the masses are now going to seek a democratic civilian government to manage a transition. The second phase will begin very fast but at least we have this good news that Saleh is falling depending on the day and time they will announce it.
Angeles : Good!
Petras: thank you very much, as always, and until next Monday!
Angeles : We divide time into two broad themes. The other is Obama's visit in Latin America. The stage has already been fulfilled in Brazil and now Chile and El Salvador
Petras: The fact is that Obama's visit in Brazil was a big failure. First occurs the release of American aggression against Libya at the time of Obama giving a speech about his appreciation of the similarities with Brazil, Brazil opposes the attack and imperial intervention. The sample for the failure of Obama is on several sides. First, the agreements they signed no major economic and commercial consequences. These things are marginal.
Second, the fact is that within Brazil, Obama has been discredited, so much so that had to cancel his original speech Cinelandia Square and end at the town hall where guests could attend only government-government Rousseff with claques welcoming. The bottom line was simply a public relations exercise with little consequence. Rousseff or get U.S. support to enter the Security Council United Nations. In this sense we should give more importance to Obama's visit to Brazil.
going to give a speech on free markets and match with Chile because Chile has long since complied with all U.S. policy: maintaining an electoral system, maintains an open economy with exports of raw materials and has a great social inequality and polarization have not changed in the last twenty years. The main speech Obama is going to happen in Chile where there is a more favorable among party official and the alleged opposition, the so-called coalition.
El Salvador is not much, goes beyond simply trying to sign some agreements on drug traffickers are using El Salvador as part of operations and consolidate the U.S. presence in El Salvador as a point of operations. The Frente Farabundo Martí shows his face again as a pro-imperialist party, have done nothing to criticize this invitation Funes, President and shows how the ex-guerrillas in many places have become conservative in both Uruguay and Brazil and now in El Salvador. No surprises in this process of conversion from left to right.
Angeles : With Brazil on the issue, would you say anyway, despite the failure to mention that there is a new era in U.S. relations with Brazil, that conditions are different?
Petras: There and there. Rousseff There is an effort to approach the United States, lowering level of conflict in the search best match a diplomat, but the fact is that Brazil is increasingly dependent on exports to China and Asia. Its capitalists particularly the agro-mineral and financial have many diverse interests and Rousseff can not go too accommodating with the United States without losing the driving force of the Brazilian economy is currently much more involved in various markets.
can sacrifice some diplomatic aspects and Chavez shake hands instead of a hug, make a policy less friendly with Bolivia, perhaps lowering the level of support as a mediator in the Middle East, but in the end, the Brazil's economic structure does not allow many coincidences with the U.S. because they compete in some industries and have other options now more dynamic than that offered by Washington.
In the current case of U.S. attack on Libya, Brazil is against any measure of intervention in Libya, for historical reasons, for regional reasons and within the political culture of Brazil, there is no basis for relying on the U.S. intervention anywhere in the world because it interferes with Brazil's own expansionist projects, which depends on open market relations rather than military intervention.
Angeles : You know that U.S. delegations are continuously Uruguay, for all subjects, but last week was Frank Mora, the undersecretary of the ministry of defense for Western Hemisphere U.S. government. He gathered here to lecture, with the government, the military asked the budget for the Ministry of Defence. And move like parrot on your house as we say here.
Petras: Well, it's an overcompensation. We know that what is called the Broad Front left and looking to make good merits with imperialism acting sometimes with very embarrassing statements and subservient in a way that for example, Brazil does not dare to show it is a servile ruling class economy has its economic vocation. The ex-left sometimes acts as an exaggerated form to show they have left behind his leftist and now are completely different and more willing to embrace the American politicians to receive a certificate of good conduct.
Angeles : Yes came to ask you open a strategic dialogue between Uruguay and the United States in defense matters. It comes hard to us the future.
Petras: Yes Another fact to note is that what is happening in relation to Japan with the explosion of nuclear facilities. That's part of a product neoliberalism than a decade ago has left the regulation and supervision of power companies that handle these nuclear facilities. Not just a company error, a lack of investment. The fact is that the state in Japan has long ceased to administering regulations and controls in the search for higher profits for private companies that keep this whole system. Behind this disaster is neoliberalism that everywhere is promoting deregulation, lack of security for companies to maximize their profits. That is what is behind this mess.
multiplying with news now that the radiation lying is less than what it is, that the contaminated food is not contaminated, the water is full of iodine radiation. But in any case does not only lie on the degree of contamination but lie on the number of dead. Gradually began first two, three thousand and eight thousand now come but even unofficial sources say the real figure is close to 30 thousand dead and many more will have a slow death by cancer who are going to have. They speak of eight thousand but the figures we have is that there are just under 20 thousand missing ten days after the disaster, are dead. But do not say how many more will die in the coming months and years affected by this radiation. So first is the neo-liberal policy, second are the lies to try to prevent the collapse of the government and the discrediting of the political system.
And the latest good news, we could end it is the case in Yemen where the government Saleh sent by more than 30 years is about to fall. And it will be in hours or days because even pressure finally fighting mass has affected the power structure, several ministers have resigned and most importantly, the generals who command the armored troops have said they now support the rebellion. That is what the dictator Saleh depends. Saleh received millions of dollars in aid U.S.. It was his main support North America and now falls Saleh and the army is divided, but in a way favorable to the rebellion.
something that happens now appears everywhere: in the opposition is the mass that has fought, suffered over 60 dead and hundreds injured and the other side are the generals and politicians now come together to rebellion as opportunistic. United States will look the same formula of Egypt to support a transitional government to arrange military policy in the coming period. While the masses are now going to seek a democratic civilian government to manage a transition. The second phase will begin very fast but at least we have this good news that Saleh is falling depending on the day and time they will announce it.
Angeles : Good!
Petras: thank you very much, as always, and until next Monday!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Tanning Salon Cute Shirt Sayings
The New York Times 03/24/2011 The Palestinian question
The uncertain future of nuclear energy. Text of Frank N. von Hippel
The uncertain future of nuclear energy. Text of Frank N. von Hippel
I Had An X-ray And Computer Virus
FMLN leaders on the occasion of the visit by Obama warmonger.
"The time civil war in El Salvador is a time overwhelmed by all the people of the United States is our friend and even there many people from that country who supported our struggle "..." Probably not Obama's victory in the U.S., triumph of the FMLN in El Salvador would have been more difficult. " HUMBERTO CENTENO.
"Why are you going to be a threat come the President?". "It would be a threat if we did not have our own personality in terms of" change "that we are undertaking in the country. We have models such as Nicaragua, Venezuela, and Cuba can admire the process, and learn what we have to learn. " CARLOS RUIZ.
"There sectors saying that the relationship between El Salvador and the United States would disappear to get the FMLN to power. The visit of President Obama is an outright denial of that lie. "JOSE LUIS MERINO.
"The U.S. has changed. We do not understand a process of change in El Salvador still conflicted with the United States. "ROBERTO LORENZANA.
" Must see Obama's visit in the context of brotherhood. "Violeta Menjivar.
" Is there to see who is the Next, the Obama is a government that has proven to be respectful and above all to see human rights as demonstrated by the visit to the crypt of Bishop. "Jorge Handal.
Early U.S. president's visit to El Salvador, is good news. "Sachs CEREN SALVADOR.
" It is important that President Obama will choose a country like El Salvador, where the ruling party, to say the least, no is any political party, but the FMLN. Medardo Gonzalez.
drew attention just now come to El Salvador's president Unidos.Apuntó States it is important that there is a view in the sense to recognize the FMLN as a key player in El Salvador, which acts as a major force in electoral politics. "Medardo Gonzalez.
No comments ...
"The time civil war in El Salvador is a time overwhelmed by all the people of the United States is our friend and even there many people from that country who supported our struggle "..." Probably not Obama's victory in the U.S., triumph of the FMLN in El Salvador would have been more difficult. " HUMBERTO CENTENO.
"Why are you going to be a threat come the President?". "It would be a threat if we did not have our own personality in terms of" change "that we are undertaking in the country. We have models such as Nicaragua, Venezuela, and Cuba can admire the process, and learn what we have to learn. " CARLOS RUIZ.
"There sectors saying that the relationship between El Salvador and the United States would disappear to get the FMLN to power. The visit of President Obama is an outright denial of that lie. "JOSE LUIS MERINO.
"The U.S. has changed. We do not understand a process of change in El Salvador still conflicted with the United States. "ROBERTO LORENZANA.
" Must see Obama's visit in the context of brotherhood. "Violeta Menjivar.
" Is there to see who is the Next, the Obama is a government that has proven to be respectful and above all to see human rights as demonstrated by the visit to the crypt of Bishop. "Jorge Handal.
Early U.S. president's visit to El Salvador, is good news. "Sachs CEREN SALVADOR.
" It is important that President Obama will choose a country like El Salvador, where the ruling party, to say the least, no is any political party, but the FMLN. Medardo Gonzalez.
drew attention just now come to El Salvador's president Unidos.Apuntó States it is important that there is a view in the sense to recognize the FMLN as a key player in El Salvador, which acts as a major force in electoral politics. "Medardo Gonzalez.
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Dark Ages: Conclusions
Once the review of the history we move into the stormy future. "We are thus heading towards a new Dark Age? "History is cyclical and repeats itself, as discussed many philosophers?
Since the mid-nineteenth century until today has become a global effort to eradicate illiteracy in their population and to extend compulsory education to a certain age, to prohibit child labor ... Or Will this trend be reversed? I think there are going to invest, or not at all. At least we're not going to the illiteracy rate in any case to a "functional illiteracy" that people know that the M to the A reads "MA", but is not able to understand everything you read.
technology will not miss, no matter who is left to use, and their use requires a minimum of education. But it is likely that more and more difference between what they study and the privileged few who study the masses that communicate through sms without spelling, and not only can solve a quadratic equation or never read a book but also boast of it. Ignorance is presented as a positive value, the ignorant is the winner and learning something is the weirdo class. U.S. and started this way for some time and had to import brains from other countries for technical positions. Education as a privilege to mark the differences between breeds, with the serfs happy to chat with your mobile using many abbreviations.
The only way technology would get a kick out by electro-magnetic pulse . This is accomplished by detonating an atomic bomb several miles up, not people die in the explosion but the pulse generated sweeps all appliances electric surface. So the U.S. is so afraid of North Korea has a small bomb, or Iran can have it. Well used may send one or more countries back to the nineteenth century for several years, and only to disintegrate the economy of South Korea or Japan the effects would be global.
simile would be closer to the Roman Empire. To have soldiers get citizenship for themselves and their families completed their military service. Occupied by military bases all its allies. English is the new Latin. Finally, much has been written on imperialism as to Now make a list of its support for coups, corporations, cultural influence, etc. The rule continues to base its power in the military. Although their costs are increasing and have contributed to the current economic crisis.
The provinces of the empire would be the country most Americans, Europeans, Arabs and Asians. The barbarians would all the other countries that host U.S. bases (which are less than you think), and China could well occupy the place that was Persia to Rome. Although we said the same thing a few years ago the Soviet Union. It's actually very difficult to make similarities with two situations world so different.
the moment is not likely to occur over a period of civil war in the empire, as there was in the third century. The emperor is elected every 4 years, boosted by economic powers. At the moment the rule is still under expansion and only attack the barbarians, but there are other means by which we may come to chaos and internal fracture. An energy crisis could be strong enough to collapse the transport and communications.
For example, by Peak Oil. A barrel of oil at $ 200 or more, without having developed an alternative to use. Would run out of air travel for the masses, the distribution of food and would collapse and have to rely on local crops, would be impossible to live in a neighborhood and walk 50 miles to get the job ... Power cuts, restrictions on use for internet, television and all media ... and no need to censor anything. The end of an era of information due to the prohibitive cost.
is quite likely that world population will stabilize, but it is always risky to predict these things. At the moment there is leftover food to the people the planet and there is hunger and malnutrition because it occurs only for money and not everyone has to eat, but could occur in the future has not even for those who can afford it. It is also likely due to disasters in the ecosystem and climate changes we see forced into wars for resources as basic as water.
currently existing private military companies (XE-Blackwater, DynCorp, and others) much like the private armies of feudal lords. For now his clients are usually governments.
And to end the matter, and being optimistic, maybe everything is just as bad and does not worsen.
Once the review of the history we move into the stormy future. "We are thus heading towards a new Dark Age? "History is cyclical and repeats itself, as discussed many philosophers?
Philip K. Dick could read Latin to take LSD |
Since the mid-nineteenth century until today has become a global effort to eradicate illiteracy in their population and to extend compulsory education to a certain age, to prohibit child labor ... Or Will this trend be reversed? I think there are going to invest, or not at all. At least we're not going to the illiteracy rate in any case to a "functional illiteracy" that people know that the M to the A reads "MA", but is not able to understand everything you read.
technology will not miss, no matter who is left to use, and their use requires a minimum of education. But it is likely that more and more difference between what they study and the privileged few who study the masses that communicate through sms without spelling, and not only can solve a quadratic equation or never read a book but also boast of it. Ignorance is presented as a positive value, the ignorant is the winner and learning something is the weirdo class. U.S. and started this way for some time and had to import brains from other countries for technical positions. Education as a privilege to mark the differences between breeds, with the serfs happy to chat with your mobile using many abbreviations.
serf, and if lucky |
simile would be closer to the Roman Empire. To have soldiers get citizenship for themselves and their families completed their military service. Occupied by military bases all its allies. English is the new Latin. Finally, much has been written on imperialism as to Now make a list of its support for coups, corporations, cultural influence, etc. The rule continues to base its power in the military. Although their costs are increasing and have contributed to the current economic crisis.
The provinces of the empire would be the country most Americans, Europeans, Arabs and Asians. The barbarians would all the other countries that host U.S. bases (which are less than you think), and China could well occupy the place that was Persia to Rome. Although we said the same thing a few years ago the Soviet Union. It's actually very difficult to make similarities with two situations world so different.
the moment is not likely to occur over a period of civil war in the empire, as there was in the third century. The emperor is elected every 4 years, boosted by economic powers. At the moment the rule is still under expansion and only attack the barbarians, but there are other means by which we may come to chaos and internal fracture. An energy crisis could be strong enough to collapse the transport and communications.
For example, by Peak Oil. A barrel of oil at $ 200 or more, without having developed an alternative to use. Would run out of air travel for the masses, the distribution of food and would collapse and have to rely on local crops, would be impossible to live in a neighborhood and walk 50 miles to get the job ... Power cuts, restrictions on use for internet, television and all media ... and no need to censor anything. The end of an era of information due to the prohibitive cost.
gasoline Killing |
is quite likely that world population will stabilize, but it is always risky to predict these things. At the moment there is leftover food to the people the planet and there is hunger and malnutrition because it occurs only for money and not everyone has to eat, but could occur in the future has not even for those who can afford it. It is also likely due to disasters in the ecosystem and climate changes we see forced into wars for resources as basic as water.
currently existing private military companies (XE-Blackwater, DynCorp, and others) much like the private armies of feudal lords. For now his clients are usually governments.
And to end the matter, and being optimistic, maybe everything is just as bad and does not worsen.
The Empire never ended |
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Three Year Old Invitation Wording
Pekenikes Monday
"silk thread"
As is can see in the picture above, 23 am Wednesday in Madrid, there will be a great concert of The Artery Pekenikes Coliseum.
Radio3 Yesterday I heard and wanted to share the news with the cave of my age who are out there and are not willing to lose.
These musicians to kids now because they sound like neither. For me it was the height of modernity at a time when they were in the spotlight.
's Blog "Jesus rock" super informs you about this group.
How To Make Arabbit Hut
Open Letter to Barack Obama
San Salvador, March 22, 2011.
Lord Barack Obama, President of the United States.
Mr. President,
undersigned organizations we wanted to use the occasion of the visit you make to our country, to ask for your attention to what is here set out:
Lord Barack Obama, President of the United States.
Mr. President,
undersigned organizations we wanted to use the occasion of the visit you make to our country, to ask for your attention to what is here set out:
The global economic crisis, climate change, drug trafficking, insecurity and food crises are rooted in an economic model imposed on our people by the great powers world, mainly the United States. Do not omit to express our dissatisfaction in relation to the way in which they have handled the trade relations between both countries today, still the CAFTA and its negative impacts the best example. We hope, Mr. President, that your government to take responsibility that belongs to the consequences of these evils cause of our people.
The Alliance for Progress led in the sixties did not bring any progress to our people. United Nations reports confirm this. The promoter of this program was President John Kennedy, a Democrat like you and also directly responsible for the invasion of American troops to Cuba in April 1961. He was also President Kennedy who began the war against the people of Vietnam.
Now, fifty years later, you proposed, almost the same name, to promote a program called "partnership to grow" (partnership to grow) between our little country and yours, "immensely developed. President Kennedy did not hide the ideological-political purpose of that program under the then Cold War. This alliance was intended to cover all of Latin America, except Cuba, you might pretend to cover only four countries in the world within which El Salvador would be the only one of our continent. But Cuba, even now under his administration, Mr. President, continues to suffer from the blockade for more than fifty years.
We look forward, Mr. President, what it means for us in terms of developing your program: if you really going to respond to the needs and priorities of the majority of our people, helping overcome the current model of consumerism and build our capacity productive without involving constraints of any kind or used for covert political agendas. Today, he noted, with the respect they deserve role that our people will not be fooled this time. Ie
• We are willing as a people to assert our sovereignty all, without distinction of any kind and in a framework of self-determination, and support our governments to establish relations of friendship and full cooperation, no trade and business only, with any country in the world, including countries of the current ALBA.
• We will be vigilant about compliance with the mandate of creating Comalapa Monitoring Centre, which should be limited strictly to combat drug trafficking. We will not allow this center as a platform to attack other countries of the region or continent. We will not allow either that the ILEA continue graduating torturers.
addition, President Obama: What are the reasons, presidential power you have, not order the release of five Cuban prisoners, convicted unjustly, without evidence to hold, to be incarcerated on American soil? What pressures will prevent this injustice end? What reasons, on the basis of the achievements of human civilization, over time, and on the basis of international law prevent him from doing what is necessary to end the embargo against Cuba? Similarly
express our rejection of any policy of war and interventionist in the world. Therefore we reject the decision of the Security Council of the UN and condemn any kind of intervention to the internal conflict in Libya.
migrants in relation to urge you to work more decisively and with courage and bravery, respect for human rights, and in this sense to stop the manufacturers of racist and discriminatory laws in your country, directed against our brothers "Hispanics" who are forced to leave their land, due to the imposition of economic models that have not generated development opportunities for our people. Our migrants are an essential part of the productive fabric of the American economy, so it is not enough with a temporary solution as the TPS, but comprehensive immigration reform to allow the legalization of all undocumented migrants.
Finally, we welcome your visit to the tomb of Archbishop Romero. We say in this connection that Monsignor Romero is the son of our humble people, and who will remain pastor of the poor of our country and the world. We therefore hope that his gesture to the crypt where the remains of our pastor contributes to awareness so that never again the dark forces, and recalcitrant violators of human rights can regain the strength to commit such acts of barbarism as being perpetrated against our pastor for thirty-one years or our country or any country in our region and the world.
Receive our greetings, Mr. President and be a carrier of the American people.
The Alliance for Progress led in the sixties did not bring any progress to our people. United Nations reports confirm this. The promoter of this program was President John Kennedy, a Democrat like you and also directly responsible for the invasion of American troops to Cuba in April 1961. He was also President Kennedy who began the war against the people of Vietnam.
Now, fifty years later, you proposed, almost the same name, to promote a program called "partnership to grow" (partnership to grow) between our little country and yours, "immensely developed. President Kennedy did not hide the ideological-political purpose of that program under the then Cold War. This alliance was intended to cover all of Latin America, except Cuba, you might pretend to cover only four countries in the world within which El Salvador would be the only one of our continent. But Cuba, even now under his administration, Mr. President, continues to suffer from the blockade for more than fifty years.
We look forward, Mr. President, what it means for us in terms of developing your program: if you really going to respond to the needs and priorities of the majority of our people, helping overcome the current model of consumerism and build our capacity productive without involving constraints of any kind or used for covert political agendas. Today, he noted, with the respect they deserve role that our people will not be fooled this time. Ie
• We are willing as a people to assert our sovereignty all, without distinction of any kind and in a framework of self-determination, and support our governments to establish relations of friendship and full cooperation, no trade and business only, with any country in the world, including countries of the current ALBA.
• We will be vigilant about compliance with the mandate of creating Comalapa Monitoring Centre, which should be limited strictly to combat drug trafficking. We will not allow this center as a platform to attack other countries of the region or continent. We will not allow either that the ILEA continue graduating torturers.
addition, President Obama: What are the reasons, presidential power you have, not order the release of five Cuban prisoners, convicted unjustly, without evidence to hold, to be incarcerated on American soil? What pressures will prevent this injustice end? What reasons, on the basis of the achievements of human civilization, over time, and on the basis of international law prevent him from doing what is necessary to end the embargo against Cuba? Similarly
express our rejection of any policy of war and interventionist in the world. Therefore we reject the decision of the Security Council of the UN and condemn any kind of intervention to the internal conflict in Libya.
migrants in relation to urge you to work more decisively and with courage and bravery, respect for human rights, and in this sense to stop the manufacturers of racist and discriminatory laws in your country, directed against our brothers "Hispanics" who are forced to leave their land, due to the imposition of economic models that have not generated development opportunities for our people. Our migrants are an essential part of the productive fabric of the American economy, so it is not enough with a temporary solution as the TPS, but comprehensive immigration reform to allow the legalization of all undocumented migrants.
Finally, we welcome your visit to the tomb of Archbishop Romero. We say in this connection that Monsignor Romero is the son of our humble people, and who will remain pastor of the poor of our country and the world. We therefore hope that his gesture to the crypt where the remains of our pastor contributes to awareness so that never again the dark forces, and recalcitrant violators of human rights can regain the strength to commit such acts of barbarism as being perpetrated against our pastor for thirty-one years or our country or any country in our region and the world.
Receive our greetings, Mr. President and be a carrier of the American people.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Fearne Cotton Flexible
release of MDP
Movement for Participatory Democracy Participatory
For a state, the people of El Salvador live! MDP
San Salvador, March 22, 2011.
The MDP before the visit of President Obama.
L a President Barack Obama's visit to El Salvador has produced enthusiasm, real or apparent, governmental, media space equipment, booking of business elites and a widespread indifference to the popular sectors. The Salvadoran people, who suffer the further impoverishment of its history, knows that is not a source of hope the visit of a powerful figure, representing a powerful country with a weak president of a troubled country like El Salvador.
The U.S. government is driven neoliberal policy that has produced the poorest in our country, promoted coups of State in El Salvador and the continent, supported the recent coup against the legitimate government of Manuel Zelaya in Honduras, established military bases in Colombia, threatening the Venezuelan revolution, and by the latter country, is preparing to establish the Plan Colombia in Central America. In the world, America has a policy of appropriation of water and oil, using the force with legal guise, as happens now in North Africa, through military aggression by the UN, NATO and the attached to the Libyan people.
In Latin America, U.S. policy toward Cuba, a blockade infamous, to a prison in Guantánamo, with the sentence of 5 Cuban antiterrorist fighters, facing U.S. policy with the dignity, heroism and the libertarian conscience of America.
relations between the U.S. and El Salvador, expressing the balance game where the weak is devoured by the strong and the Salvadoran political life has been for decades, influenced and even determined by the will and interests of the United States.
The 20-year war is a high expression of American participation in American life. This triggered the largest flow of migrants to the country North. Million Salvadorans produce wealth, society, community and politics in that country, while remittances are possible by which the poor are becoming the mainstay of the economy, family and the whole country in El Salvador.
This relationship is mutually beneficial for us to be factor of national identity, patriotism and identification of strengthening our independence. No state policy is to continue making the emigration policy of the country's economic sustainability or reduction of social tensions. Salvadoran women and men must be able to build in our own land, our own dreams.
In Latin America, U.S. policy toward Cuba, a blockade infamous, to a prison in Guantánamo, with the sentence of 5 Cuban antiterrorist fighters, facing U.S. policy with the dignity, heroism and the libertarian conscience of America.
relations between the U.S. and El Salvador, expressing the balance game where the weak is devoured by the strong and the Salvadoran political life has been for decades, influenced and even determined by the will and interests of the United States.
The 20-year war is a high expression of American participation in American life. This triggered the largest flow of migrants to the country North. Million Salvadorans produce wealth, society, community and politics in that country, while remittances are possible by which the poor are becoming the mainstay of the economy, family and the whole country in El Salvador.
This relationship is mutually beneficial for us to be factor of national identity, patriotism and identification of strengthening our independence. No state policy is to continue making the emigration policy of the country's economic sustainability or reduction of social tensions. Salvadoran women and men must be able to build in our own land, our own dreams.
Our people have learned that while we need friendly relations and bilateral mutual convenience with other peoples, as with the people of the United States, only we can build our own welfare and social wealth. The U.S. President will visit the tomb of Monsignor Romero: a man of war and war against a man of peace. There will hear the cry for justice against a crime unpunished, protest against imperial policy that produces murderers, and learn about the spirituality of our best, that is more alive than ever, heard and more necessary.
Movement for Participatory Democracy Participatory
For a state, the people of El Salvador live! MDP
San Salvador, March 22, 2011.
Iraqi Dinar Blog Spot
Are we moving towards a new Dark Age? (4)
In 500 education and was a luxury, and in 600 normal was illiteracy, even among the religious who were engaged to burn all traces of classical culture. In 518 an old soldier became the first emperor who could neither read nor write, his nephew gave him a strip so he could sign the papers reviewing the lines with the pen. This same nephew, Justinian , came to power last drove the philosophers, who found refuge in Persia and so got to salvage the classics that have survived until today. He also directed a final attempt to reconquer the Western Empire, but ultimately ended in failure.
bubonic plague eliminated a third of Europe's population. The kingdoms of the Visigoths, Franks, and Saxons, became fully independent. The Roman Empire and Persia bled each other in endless wars. So exhausted that ended in the seventh century the Arabs took to conquer Persia, Egypt and the eastern Mediterranean coast. With the conquest of Persia Classic culture assimilated and surpassed the Europeans to know that over the centuries VII VIII and IX just left us nothing in writing.
The Dark Ages had come to the end
Catholic Church forged a document ( The Donation of Constantine) to convert the Pope in the legitimate sovereign of the empire of the West, but the Popes delegated that power to the emperors they themselves chose. At Christmas the year 800, taking advantage of a woman reigned in Constantinople (which for the Church and the law of the Salian Franks was equivalent to saying that the throne was vacant), the Pope crowned Charlemagne as emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. Thereafter the empire of the East stopped considered "Roman" for Western Europe, and became known as "Greek Empire" or "Byzantine."
Charlemagne was also illiterate, but attempted to restore Roman culture. He studied his heir monks had no other choice but it was a mistake, as these monks ended up breaking up any attempt to raise the people's culture. To get an idea of \u200b\u200bhow he ended the papacy back to read the article on the pornocracy , covering the period 897-964.
depopulated cities
With the vast majority of the population consisted of serfs tied to the land of their masters. It ended slavery, but only in name. The feudal lords and heirs of the Roman aristocracy and barbarian chiefs (who arranged marriages between their children), were absolute rulers of their land. It was possible to make war between them or against their king. At first the king was chosen from one of the nobles to be a "first among equals" and lead the war, but as each nobleman had his private army the king had to negotiate with each of them. Over time, the king ran as a defender of the people against the abuses of the nobles, and over time it was the "absolute monarchy", but that's another story and our end here.
In 500 education and was a luxury, and in 600 normal was illiteracy, even among the religious who were engaged to burn all traces of classical culture. In 518 an old soldier became the first emperor who could neither read nor write, his nephew gave him a strip so he could sign the papers reviewing the lines with the pen. This same nephew, Justinian , came to power last drove the philosophers, who found refuge in Persia and so got to salvage the classics that have survived until today. He also directed a final attempt to reconquer the Western Empire, but ultimately ended in failure.
bubonic plague eliminated a third of Europe's population. The kingdoms of the Visigoths, Franks, and Saxons, became fully independent. The Roman Empire and Persia bled each other in endless wars. So exhausted that ended in the seventh century the Arabs took to conquer Persia, Egypt and the eastern Mediterranean coast. With the conquest of Persia Classic culture assimilated and surpassed the Europeans to know that over the centuries VII VIII and IX just left us nothing in writing.
The Dark Ages had come to the end
Catholic Church forged a document ( The Donation of Constantine) to convert the Pope in the legitimate sovereign of the empire of the West, but the Popes delegated that power to the emperors they themselves chose. At Christmas the year 800, taking advantage of a woman reigned in Constantinople (which for the Church and the law of the Salian Franks was equivalent to saying that the throne was vacant), the Pope crowned Charlemagne as emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. Thereafter the empire of the East stopped considered "Roman" for Western Europe, and became known as "Greek Empire" or "Byzantine."
Charlemagne was also illiterate, but attempted to restore Roman culture. He studied his heir monks had no other choice but it was a mistake, as these monks ended up breaking up any attempt to raise the people's culture. To get an idea of \u200b\u200bhow he ended the papacy back to read the article on the pornocracy , covering the period 897-964.
depopulated cities
With the vast majority of the population consisted of serfs tied to the land of their masters. It ended slavery, but only in name. The feudal lords and heirs of the Roman aristocracy and barbarian chiefs (who arranged marriages between their children), were absolute rulers of their land. It was possible to make war between them or against their king. At first the king was chosen from one of the nobles to be a "first among equals" and lead the war, but as each nobleman had his private army the king had to negotiate with each of them. Over time, the king ran as a defender of the people against the abuses of the nobles, and over time it was the "absolute monarchy", but that's another story and our end here.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Without Panties On The Public
What changes in the foreign policy of the United States?
And who has told Funes the exploited and the exploiters married someday? To say this is a total ignorance of the real conflict of Salvadoran society divided into classes. In the history of humanity has never been on an equal footing with the slave master or the servant to the Lord, nor the proletariat with the bourgeoisie. Never in these stages of human development has been a marriage between them. Instead, they are class differences and antagonistic and irreconcilable interests lies the genesis of the conflict.
By Salvador Arias
-American Relations, Shield of New World Security and sword of the projection of U.S. global power.
"The Monroe Doctrine represents the interests of the whole continent, and all States of America agreed to maintain it. Moreover, although so far the U.S. has been his only defender, currently Latin states would be found powerful enough to keep it if the United States refused to do so. "
Document Taken Santa Fe, devoted to Latin America and the Caribbean Basin.
What changes in the foreign policy of the United States?
i salamero we adhere to the statements of the leadership of the FMLN political party, would be swallowed without water, the vicious lie launched by them, trying to make us believe that the United States "have changed and evolved in its external relations" . Why this dome dare to make such statements? What is behind such a lie that neither the same right is capable of sustaining? An ass so big and so cynical no one believes anyone, let alone the hawks and foxes in the Pentagon and State Department in the U.S..
These leaders seem unaware that a position so salamero and "enrollona", far from being respected, earns the distrust and even despise them for their compliments are addressed. True, they no longer find where to put the knees, but it is also true that some credit and some respect if they could enjoy at least a minimum position of principle. They may even benefit from a reasonable doubt. Nobody
betray a cause or betray itself can be credible. The distrust is always present, even those who are served. In ancient Rome, as a rule, the pro-consuls used to say: "Rome pays the traitors, but also despises them."
All these movements and plaintive cries of forgiveness in purgatory, are given on the eve of the visit of U.S. President Barack Obama, the country. Is it required so much shame, so displays of appeasement and adulation? Is not a political statement reasoned enough without her necessarily confrontational or offensive to the visitor? It may be politically correct but this is a sign of appeasement vilest. But trying to hide with flattery and lies outside the invariable policy of the United States on this continent and the world, is something that does not believe anyone in the country, and she believes it's own visitors and those who accompany him them, we do know what they are!
express in unison, as they have done the members of the dome and its officials, U.S. government policy has changed, it's just a late claim to be believed and forgiven. No one or very few, with a "hearts" of intelligence in your head, you can rely on a leadership lost and tangled in tactical games which, far from building a coherent and credible progress each day toward the dam and accommodation all without a qualm.
i salamero we adhere to the statements of the leadership of the FMLN political party, would be swallowed without water, the vicious lie launched by them, trying to make us believe that the United States "have changed and evolved in its external relations" . Why this dome dare to make such statements? What is behind such a lie that neither the same right is capable of sustaining? An ass so big and so cynical no one believes anyone, let alone the hawks and foxes in the Pentagon and State Department in the U.S..
These leaders seem unaware that a position so salamero and "enrollona", far from being respected, earns the distrust and even despise them for their compliments are addressed. True, they no longer find where to put the knees, but it is also true that some credit and some respect if they could enjoy at least a minimum position of principle. They may even benefit from a reasonable doubt. Nobody
betray a cause or betray itself can be credible. The distrust is always present, even those who are served. In ancient Rome, as a rule, the pro-consuls used to say: "Rome pays the traitors, but also despises them."
All these movements and plaintive cries of forgiveness in purgatory, are given on the eve of the visit of U.S. President Barack Obama, the country. Is it required so much shame, so displays of appeasement and adulation? Is not a political statement reasoned enough without her necessarily confrontational or offensive to the visitor? It may be politically correct but this is a sign of appeasement vilest. But trying to hide with flattery and lies outside the invariable policy of the United States on this continent and the world, is something that does not believe anyone in the country, and she believes it's own visitors and those who accompany him them, we do know what they are!
express in unison, as they have done the members of the dome and its officials, U.S. government policy has changed, it's just a late claim to be believed and forgiven. No one or very few, with a "hearts" of intelligence in your head, you can rely on a leadership lost and tangled in tactical games which, far from building a coherent and credible progress each day toward the dam and accommodation all without a qualm.
S i foreign policy of the United States has changed, then explain how members of the FMLN leadership that the criminal embargo against Cuba to be maintained? How
FMLN leaders could justify the continued torturing even children of 15 years (Omar Khadr) in the prison of the U.S. military base in Guantanamo Bay, even under the current administration of Barack Obama?
substantiate the harassment against the government of President Chavez and the ALBA Project? The attempted coup against President Rafael Correa, and the effective coup d'etat against the legitimate government of President Zelaya in Honduras is also another "change" for the dome?
How to explain the increase of troops in Afghanistan and the deaths of thousands of civilians, or of using Colombia as a gigantic military base?
And what about the probable invasion of Libya, on which in the final minutes of Saturday March 20, 2010, more than one hundred Tomahawk cruise missiles have been launched, imperial aggression driven by the takeover of the gas fields, oil and aquifers in the country?
These are the changes in American foreign policy that sees the FMLN leadership, welcomes and applauds? No doubt here the only "changed" they, the leaders of the FMLN. The U.S. remained invariably unchanged!
Funes and his frustrated desire to show Obama with a nice family photograph.
A three days of arrival in the country of President Barack Obama, there is no indication that the visitor will find the much sought after "Government of National Unity," which, if properly observed, would be a revised and expanded version of first with Funes has tried to greet Obama. Any attempt to bring to the table for consultation with the private sector, represented in some way ARENA, has met with strong opposition and conditions of release, which keeps getting more and more demanding in terms of participants in the Consultative Council.
non-participation of the other guests, although Funes was prepared after a meeting with the other three ex-presidents, took place without his presence. This second meeting of the Council, then, if you can still call and was developed with the same participants of the first and without the presence of the press, even when it was announced that those meetings would be public. In the second session, nothing has transpired to the public: it seems that passed unnoticed, and who knows if it would only be a meeting of wailing and scratching head. It seems that this really is at stake tactical political and economic right, and a tactical game well thought out, calculated and very likely effective! We'll see the results after the visitor has left. There is no doubt that there will be private meeting between Obama and some individuals from the ANEP, or at least, you will get their demands in a document.
So far, it has become clear is that all attempts to Funes, seeking a reconciliation with ANEP and ARENA, have failed. Of all the prayers have been used for presidential speeches honeyed and mixed with pride that the ENADE do . There was a mixture of interest absurd to say that "no divorce irreconcilable between workers and employers".
FMLN leaders could justify the continued torturing even children of 15 years (Omar Khadr) in the prison of the U.S. military base in Guantanamo Bay, even under the current administration of Barack Obama?
substantiate the harassment against the government of President Chavez and the ALBA Project? The attempted coup against President Rafael Correa, and the effective coup d'etat against the legitimate government of President Zelaya in Honduras is also another "change" for the dome?
How to explain the increase of troops in Afghanistan and the deaths of thousands of civilians, or of using Colombia as a gigantic military base?
And what about the probable invasion of Libya, on which in the final minutes of Saturday March 20, 2010, more than one hundred Tomahawk cruise missiles have been launched, imperial aggression driven by the takeover of the gas fields, oil and aquifers in the country?
These are the changes in American foreign policy that sees the FMLN leadership, welcomes and applauds? No doubt here the only "changed" they, the leaders of the FMLN. The U.S. remained invariably unchanged!
Funes and his frustrated desire to show Obama with a nice family photograph.
A three days of arrival in the country of President Barack Obama, there is no indication that the visitor will find the much sought after "Government of National Unity," which, if properly observed, would be a revised and expanded version of first with Funes has tried to greet Obama. Any attempt to bring to the table for consultation with the private sector, represented in some way ARENA, has met with strong opposition and conditions of release, which keeps getting more and more demanding in terms of participants in the Consultative Council.
non-participation of the other guests, although Funes was prepared after a meeting with the other three ex-presidents, took place without his presence. This second meeting of the Council, then, if you can still call and was developed with the same participants of the first and without the presence of the press, even when it was announced that those meetings would be public. In the second session, nothing has transpired to the public: it seems that passed unnoticed, and who knows if it would only be a meeting of wailing and scratching head. It seems that this really is at stake tactical political and economic right, and a tactical game well thought out, calculated and very likely effective! We'll see the results after the visitor has left. There is no doubt that there will be private meeting between Obama and some individuals from the ANEP, or at least, you will get their demands in a document.
So far, it has become clear is that all attempts to Funes, seeking a reconciliation with ANEP and ARENA, have failed. Of all the prayers have been used for presidential speeches honeyed and mixed with pride that the ENADE do . There was a mixture of interest absurd to say that "no divorce irreconcilable between workers and employers".
And who has told Funes the exploited and the exploiters married someday? To say this is a total ignorance of the real conflict of Salvadoran society divided into classes. In the history of humanity has never been on an equal footing with the slave master or the servant to the Lord, nor the proletariat with the bourgeoisie. Never in these stages of human development has been a marriage between them. Instead, they are class differences and antagonistic and irreconcilable interests lies the genesis of the conflict.
L a single most telling part of his speech, its content, was the message to employers, who started applause. This occurred when Funes said: "There will be packages of tax, or paquetazos while the fiscal pact is not treated in the Social Economic Council." Let me tell you, let me stress once again that I have no tax increase proposed in my desktop. I have not, nor have I asked any staff, "said Funes to employers and guests Enade special 2011. Was there any reason why the powerful to not applaud?
Finally, what is Obama country?. A visit to a "partner", or inspect a property? For a lot of saliva to be spent by stating that "the deal is as equals and respect each other" as the Chancellor said Hugo Martinez, one fact is clear: this is his backyard when he is reviewing .
These veins are still open in Latin America. As Eduardo Galeano say, "they continue to bleed and waiting to be closed!".
Finally, what is Obama country?. A visit to a "partner", or inspect a property? For a lot of saliva to be spent by stating that "the deal is as equals and respect each other" as the Chancellor said Hugo Martinez, one fact is clear: this is his backyard when he is reviewing .
These veins are still open in Latin America. As Eduardo Galeano say, "they continue to bleed and waiting to be closed!".
By Salvador Arias
Congraulate Smeone In Arabic About New Baby
Day anti-imperialism!
By: Alirio Montoya
On Tuesday 22 March, the Social Movement of the Revolutionary Left, student organizations, unions and other working class in El Salvador, will join the Anti-Imperialism Day. The march will begin at 9:00 am and leave from Salvador del Mundo, there will be an Open Forum on the UES at 1:00 PM and 1:30 PM will get a parade Bufo from the University of El Salvador, ending at 3:00 PM with a political-cultural. They invited all the true militants of the Revolutionary Left. This is a wave that has arisen from the left in Chile and Brazil and has come to our country.
I was told that the president of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff, has been barred by the militants of the Workers Party to not speak out against Obama and we hope that the FMLN here in El Salvador do not put a straitjacket on its members not to attend this act of dignity that should go all militant left. I said that it is wrong to speak out against the "domesticated pet" of Obama because you have to be "civilized" and that Barack Obama "broke" the chains of slavery in America. I remember who started this fight was Abraham Lincoln and continued Martyr Luther King.
The fact that Obama is of color does not mean that it is "good person." He is the president of the empire and there is no differentiation between a Democrat and a Republican. For that matter, JF Kennedy continued massacring with napalm bombs on Vietnamese peasants, Jimmy Carter bombed East Timor, Bill Clinton attacked and massacred Kosovo and the Balkans up to the dissolution of the former Yugoslavia. Now Obama, by virtue of being colored does not mean it is not a warmonger, is like thinking that if Hitler had been colored by their actions and attitudes now would be neat. Obama was behind the coup in Honduras, after the failed coup against Rafael Correa, is financing the opposition in Venezuela, continuing the blockade and economic aggression against our Cuban brothers. Back in France has sent to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to design the invasion not against Gadaffi, but against the Libyan people. What is the difference between Obama and other presidents of the empire? I think that only the color. But Obama as president put him Rothschild families, Harriman, Rockefeller and others out there. A cousin is a certain American city attorney gave me a book called "Dreams from My Father, I read it from cover to cover to see the good in Obama, but to no avail, I discovered he is Jewish Zionist. The same happens in our country is the great capital and Poma, Siman and now Salume impose presidents.
I have been following on Twitter is giving readings that President Fidel Castro on the crisis in Libya. Foresees a "bloodbath for the Arab peoples." That indicates that Obama's Latin America is a smokescreen. The Dilma not accepted a private dinner for the family nor Pinera in Chile. Obama will impose their agenda. The tenants of these lands are called presidents must obey the homeowner.
it is argued that there is a relationship of "respect" because in America there are more than 2 million Salvadorans and send remittances. Give them a Nobel Prize for this great discovery. The Russians and Cubans living in the U.S. have continued to send remittances to their countries, also Afghans, Iraqis, Iranians and Venezuelans. Besides that, the same fallacious argument used is that Francisco Flores and Tony Saca. About do not want people not to be left this act of dignity ask you at least be more creative and invent, I'm sorry, another "cheap straw."
Wedding Program Wording For Deceased Relatives
Obama will visit the tomb of Archbishop Romero, whose murderers were "inspired" and trained by the CIA. Charlie
"It is news that we welcome, because Romero is a figure of great importance not only for the Salvadorans, but universally, always advocated the preferential option for the poor," said Salvadoran Foreign Minister Hugo Martinez, an official statement said.
The source, who did not specify the date, said that the White House made the announcement about Obama's visit to the tomb of Catholic leaders, whose remains are buried in a crypt beneath the Metropolitan Cathedral of San Salvador, in the center of this capital.
Romero was assassinated on March 24, 1980 and is remembered for denouncing the injustices committed in the years before the war that this country suffered between 1980 and 1992, which killed at least 75,000 people.
In recent years, the death squads and the national army, trained by the CIA, committed atrocities like the killing of the representatives of FDR and the slaughter of El Mozote in 1982, which killed between seven hundred thousand men, women and children.
E l Ministry of Foreign Affairs of El Salvador said Wednesday that the U.S. president, Barack Obama will visit the tomb of the murdered Archbishop of San Salvador, Oscar Arnulfo Romero during his stay in the country, a fact that was to 'welcome' ignoring all the allegations about the CIA involvement in this event.
"It is news that we welcome, because Romero is a figure of great importance not only for the Salvadorans, but universally, always advocated the preferential option for the poor," said Salvadoran Foreign Minister Hugo Martinez, an official statement said.
The source, who did not specify the date, said that the White House made the announcement about Obama's visit to the tomb of Catholic leaders, whose remains are buried in a crypt beneath the Metropolitan Cathedral of San Salvador, in the center of this capital.
Romero was assassinated on March 24, 1980 and is remembered for denouncing the injustices committed in the years before the war that this country suffered between 1980 and 1992, which killed at least 75,000 people.

Monsignor Romero's assassination was ordered by who ran this killing, the right-wing leader Roberto D'Aubuisson, closely linked to the embassy U.S..
D'Aubuisson ordered that Romero was shot in the heart while saying Mass.
According to Foreign Ministry, "this will be held March 24 for the first time the International Day for the Right to Truth in Relation to Serious Violations of Human Rights and Dignity of Victims, enacted by the United Nations in recognition the legacy of the martyred archbishop. " Obama will
22 and March 23 in the country, where they arrived after visiting, for the first time, Brazil and Chile. Taken
D'Aubuisson ordered that Romero was shot in the heart while saying Mass.
According to Foreign Ministry, "this will be held March 24 for the first time the International Day for the Right to Truth in Relation to Serious Violations of Human Rights and Dignity of Victims, enacted by the United Nations in recognition the legacy of the martyred archbishop. " Obama will
22 and March 23 in the country, where they arrived after visiting, for the first time, Brazil and Chile. Taken
Friday, March 18, 2011
Drivers Licenserenwal Columbus Ohio
Sheengón Letter to the Salvadoran people ... Proceedings of the Salvadoran people
few days ago the government of El Salvador, via the Foreign Ministry has asked me to rectify and I apologize for some unfortunate statements I made about my ex-wife, and where alluded to a less respectful to your country.
the people of El Salvador:
Dear Salvadoran
and El Salvador.
and El Salvador.

However, before to ask me to apologize, you all should, and if some dignity and courage allows them, consider asking the same people who really insulted them daily, the same that have insulted corrupt actions, dishonest and killer for the past 30 years.
to apologize, then, Alfredo Cristiani and his group for the abuse they have on the prices of medicines. Also for selling expired medicines to ISSS and for stealing from the bank. And what about the donations from the Japanese government? And what about the murder of the Jesuits?
Tony Saca to apologize for having wasted hundreds of millions of dollars from state coffers, the money from all of you, to be advertised on radio stations he owned. To apologize for having large doors open to our greedy and ruthless American companies with the FTA.
That also apologize Presidents Francisco Flores and Armando Calderon Sol to have dollarized your economy and add a tax added to everything, even food, thus preventing human development in El Salvador.
deputies to apologize: these opportunistic freeloaders policy drones, all without distinction party, they have never passed a single law so that really benefits them. I ask forgive me if I do wrong.
to apologize certain media hide the truth and defending interests other than collective interests.
to apologize for 20 years of rampant corruption and many other years because of gruesome murders against you, people.
apologize military shoot-made to bleed your country for decades and today is no penalty for walking the streets of El Salvador.
apologize military shoot-made to bleed your country for decades and today is no penalty for walking the streets of El Salvador.
to apologize for having left the FMLN as thinking people and made today against the social, kneeling in front of my government, in addition to having passed a decree that prevents them from all of you the right to elect the deputies they want.
apologize Mauricio Funes, the current leader of spendthrift drone band state because it has not complied with-or meet-all they promised in the presidential campaign.
to apologize crawling all these politicians, that all they seek is to fatten their pockets and living well at the expense of all of you.
to apologize powerful that keep your country in a morass economic and social-that for decades, and do not have the capacity nor the intention to take it forward, whether they ANEP, FUSADES or whatever you call them.
That REALLY sorry that I hurt you, your children, grandchildren, and your country!
Sheengón Charlie!
PS: And to continue the fuck the weekend!
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Writing A Community Service Letter For A Sorority
betrayed ...
For Tirso Canales
(A Firefly against obscurantism) 1.-This
published on March 21, 2009, JUST PAST THE ELECTION: "The events of March 15 are still hot, and the speeches and interviews of President-elect, he is in line to sharpen the thinking that guides his political when he takes office on June 1 next. Did not hesitate in the least to reaffirm the political principles that spread during the campaign, to face the crisis that left the dictatorship of ARENA. Honor and glory all Salvadorans who fell in the struggle to build a dream that the new government says it will be a reality among us! The current political reality tells us that the martyrs are being betrayed.
2.-Y continues the theme on March 27, 2009: "In a civic uprising massive political nature as an instrument of control was the vote participatory citizenship, and the determination to make the government and the State to the neoliberal right, the Salvadoran people, strengthened with new groups of supporters, politically defeated the oligarchy and its political representation, ARENA. " The right swore after the election would sink El Salvador, but did not sink. It had been only 24 hours and the rights and flirted with Funes. We warned: THE RIGHT CARE FOR ALL LOCAL HISTORY HAS BEEN TRAICIONERA! "
3.-This published on May 15, 2009 JUST WHEN FUNES had assumed the presidency, and was the first to notice the prepared treason against the people. I said: "The promised changes are debt to be paid to the people who voted for them. Ultimately will be all political-economic content. Take various forms, also places and times. "4.-
THIS POST THE NOVEMBER 6, 2009: The Left Party FMLN won the presidential election should be starting to implement the plan of government that offered in the campaign, or at least announced through its more thick. "The FMLN became ganapierde party because the President Mauricio Funes and his lively friends, I put aside a few pushes, and told them in practice: Yo, you do not know you, better not cross me!
5.-MARCH 19, 2010, ONE YEAR AFTER THE ELECTION and promises of change, said the following: "Remember that all the political capital of the history of the struggle of Salvadoran people, including the prestige now deposited in the FMLN, is formed by the blood of hundreds of thousands of martyrs and heroic countrymen, women and men that we dignify, and the first who should fulfill that obligation is the party that won elections, and was seized by an individual triumph unfair and a small group of his lively friends. "
THIS MARCH 15, 2011, when two years have passed those "elections of hope", the volume of betrayal suffered by the people is so great that even short-sighted people can see it. Mauricio Funes's government, put more passion fruit here and there has not been able to organize a coherent and productive economy. Any economist knows that the wealth of a country occurs in agriculture, industry and transport. Other activities are in the areas of circulation, but do not produce wealth here or on the moon. The populist demagoguery, can not be serious!
NEVER BEFORE IN EL SALVADOR THE HIGH COST OF LIFE was as high as today. The potatoes we eat are still U.S. and Canada: beans from Nicaragua, and soon we will eat those of mainland China.
EL SALVADOR STILL LIVING ON THE MORTGAGE national sovereignty with the International Monetary Fund loans, IDB, WB, commercial movement is fueled by remittances from Salvadorans working abroad, and enrich the oligarchs.
IS CLEAR THAT THE GOVERNMENT DOES NOT WANT FUNES taxing the rich. In practice shows no governmental authority to enact taxes that the state needs for living expenses.
MANY OF THE EXPENSES OF THE GOVERNMENT ARE Sumptuous, extravagant, among them the banquet silverware ordering the deputies, and four brand Carraro president.
WHICH SHOULD BE IMPRISONED BY CORRUPT AND THIEVES, now they are guests or are part of the government's Advisory Council is pleased and offering fine dining with the enemy. As the poet César Vallejo: "In this dog ended my ass!" Keep voting and exploit them! Expect and elections come again! and "the sheep are dying to vote."
As the poet César Vallejo: "In this dog ended my ass!" Keep voting and exploit them!
(A Firefly against obscurantism) 1.-This
published on March 21, 2009, JUST PAST THE ELECTION: "The events of March 15 are still hot, and the speeches and interviews of President-elect, he is in line to sharpen the thinking that guides his political when he takes office on June 1 next. Did not hesitate in the least to reaffirm the political principles that spread during the campaign, to face the crisis that left the dictatorship of ARENA. Honor and glory all Salvadorans who fell in the struggle to build a dream that the new government says it will be a reality among us! The current political reality tells us that the martyrs are being betrayed.
2.-Y continues the theme on March 27, 2009: "In a civic uprising massive political nature as an instrument of control was the vote participatory citizenship, and the determination to make the government and the State to the neoliberal right, the Salvadoran people, strengthened with new groups of supporters, politically defeated the oligarchy and its political representation, ARENA. " The right swore after the election would sink El Salvador, but did not sink. It had been only 24 hours and the rights and flirted with Funes. We warned: THE RIGHT CARE FOR ALL LOCAL HISTORY HAS BEEN TRAICIONERA! "
3.-This published on May 15, 2009 JUST WHEN FUNES had assumed the presidency, and was the first to notice the prepared treason against the people. I said: "The promised changes are debt to be paid to the people who voted for them. Ultimately will be all political-economic content. Take various forms, also places and times. "4.-
THIS POST THE NOVEMBER 6, 2009: The Left Party FMLN won the presidential election should be starting to implement the plan of government that offered in the campaign, or at least announced through its more thick. "The FMLN became ganapierde party because the President Mauricio Funes and his lively friends, I put aside a few pushes, and told them in practice: Yo, you do not know you, better not cross me!
5.-MARCH 19, 2010, ONE YEAR AFTER THE ELECTION and promises of change, said the following: "Remember that all the political capital of the history of the struggle of Salvadoran people, including the prestige now deposited in the FMLN, is formed by the blood of hundreds of thousands of martyrs and heroic countrymen, women and men that we dignify, and the first who should fulfill that obligation is the party that won elections, and was seized by an individual triumph unfair and a small group of his lively friends. "
THIS MARCH 15, 2011, when two years have passed those "elections of hope", the volume of betrayal suffered by the people is so great that even short-sighted people can see it. Mauricio Funes's government, put more passion fruit here and there has not been able to organize a coherent and productive economy. Any economist knows that the wealth of a country occurs in agriculture, industry and transport. Other activities are in the areas of circulation, but do not produce wealth here or on the moon. The populist demagoguery, can not be serious!
NEVER BEFORE IN EL SALVADOR THE HIGH COST OF LIFE was as high as today. The potatoes we eat are still U.S. and Canada: beans from Nicaragua, and soon we will eat those of mainland China.
EL SALVADOR STILL LIVING ON THE MORTGAGE national sovereignty with the International Monetary Fund loans, IDB, WB, commercial movement is fueled by remittances from Salvadorans working abroad, and enrich the oligarchs.
IS CLEAR THAT THE GOVERNMENT DOES NOT WANT FUNES taxing the rich. In practice shows no governmental authority to enact taxes that the state needs for living expenses.
MANY OF THE EXPENSES OF THE GOVERNMENT ARE Sumptuous, extravagant, among them the banquet silverware ordering the deputies, and four brand Carraro president.
WHICH SHOULD BE IMPRISONED BY CORRUPT AND THIEVES, now they are guests or are part of the government's Advisory Council is pleased and offering fine dining with the enemy. As the poet César Vallejo: "In this dog ended my ass!" Keep voting and exploit them! Expect and elections come again! and "the sheep are dying to vote."
As the poet César Vallejo: "In this dog ended my ass!" Keep voting and exploit them!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Action Replay On Hdloader
March 83 ...
FMLN combatants HISTORICAL |
By: Alirio Montoya
E ra an early March 1983. We had just returned from voluntary exile in the sister Republic of Honduras. The roar of a bomb in the morning woke up to all the people of Santa Rosa de Lima. The bomb was planted and detonated in front of Bank of Commerce, I think it was the only town in those years. I was under the age of 7 years. When he heard the blast of the explosion followed a string of blasts AK47, M16 and G3, among others. Hugged the tremendous shock to one of my brothers, because we slept three in the same bed, I do not know if it was my sister or my brother.
"What's that," I asked very excitedly. "They got the kids," said my sister. Indeed, the FMLN guerrillas took the village that morning of March 83. I do not understand anything of those things, either my age or lack of information. When I mention I say "I'm a dick" but those words have several meanings maybe. Maybe I want to say that I know nothing, who did not participate in war and I have no right to talk about it. Some people were humpback charge throughout the war a radio transmitter and now write books about the war, others escaped accidentally shot across the holy war and write books about civil war. The book titles vary by the ingenuity of each reporter. Some titles and cover laugh. Like a "radio operator" that comes in front of a laptop, anyone has to believe that it is a book about business management, but no talks about the war in El Salvador.
But it appears or does appear to be strung proprietary right, do not know where, in write about the war because they fought each other, implying that we do not, however, that we occupy a place in that war, either as spectators or as civilians who did not have "balls" to go to war. At the age of 7 years at best and could have been useful for something on the battlefield, perhaps having more "balls" of those who left. But we were not on the front lines also have the unwavering right to write what little was recorded in our memory. Some are children of war, and we do we will, at best and subject to change after the war for having lived through the war but not fought.
As at 9 am that day, 5 guerrillas knocked on the door of my house, which was practically an inn, in the third door was a bar. The 5 guerrillas wanted to celebrate with booze "Doll" or "Gulf" that apparent victory over the enemy, even though the enemy was celebrating with whiskey in the capital, San Salvador. I looked out a window facing the front door. There were 5 fighters, three of them bearded, that caught my attention because I was told that God was bearded. But eventually they told me that God had a beard, it was like the air that could not be seen, only feel, therefore I chose to no longer believe in God at such a disappointment that gave me life or reality.
I felt closer to the guerrillas, a closer look, talk to them and most likely go with them. But this illusion of going with "the boys" became another disappointment as suddenly at about 10:45 am when the skies began to fly an A-37 roaming the town and toward Cerro Vetarrón. Each decrease of A-37 dropped on that hill and its environs, three pumps do not know how many pounds. The ground was shaking and I was crying under the bed, thinking not firmly in God, but, naively, that the bed that would protect me from intermittent explosive bombing on "the boys." My grandmother was combing her long hair, my parents prayed that we not fall any bombs. Maybe God heard laughter and gave him the patience and serenity of my grandmother Mama Lina. She did not pray, even though Mary was Catholic. You might not believe in those things.
The thunderous sound of the bombing made me reflect on who were really bad, if the guerrillas or the aircraft of the armed forces bombarded villages, hamlets, entire towns and cities. Thus I argue that citizenship también formó parte y ocupó un lugar en la guerra. Los que no nos marchamos a la montaña, fuimos víctimas del ejército; a mí me reclutaron dos veces a la edad de 14 y 15 años; pero un tío era Comandante Local del pueblo, por eso únicamente me obligaron a hacer unas cien flexiones de pierna y de regreso a casa. Otros fueron “cachimbeados”, torturados, masacrados y desaparecidos por las fuerzas represivas de la oligarquía y el imperialismo yanqui. Decir imperialismo yanqui en estos días es “obsoleto”, porque “los tiempos van cambiando y hay que adaptarnos a las nuevas realidades”; eso dijo recientemente un ex-comandante que tuvo más “guevos” que nosotros go to the mountain.
At about 3:00 pm, sorry, at 15 hours, heard a loud explosion heard that a guy who was deaf and asked what happened to the many hours of starting that battle it is true, I swear, as Nietzsche would say, "for God and all things that I do not think," my uncle was deaf. That explosion was the result of the bombing of the town bridge. That kind of "sabotage" had a detailed explanation below me, which I thought was very wise. Past 17 hours came the reinforcement of the army, so "the boys" decided to withdraw to prevent the population of Lima suffered an urban combat. El Comandante "Wil Cuche Hair" came in charge of that mission, we are told, but did not meet certain orders that were given and therefore was punished as in any military discipline.
The guerrillas of my people were many: Wilson Sosa, Wil Hair Cuche, Ricardo Cruz known as the "American Chele" (Emilio), Armando "Cotorro", whom I've missed some "talpujasos" of liquor male, Amilcar Benitez, Commander Darius Gavidia (Orestes Ortez) and, of course, my idol Saulito Mejía (Buruca) escape me some, I want to forgive me. Saulito's mother, Mrs. Virginia, asked for his remains, nobody knows. She further encouraged me to sympathize with the FMLN History. As the FMLN supporter, has disappointed many in recent days, some of them who fought and are not government offices, like all bureaucrats about, you should save a tribute to those colleagues who gave their lives for the happiness of others. This bureaucracy was one of the many causes of the implosion of the former Soviet Union. Sometimes the man does not understand the lessons it gives us the only woman who never sleeps: The History.
But in the end, the attack on March 83 opened my brain and I began to speculate and inquire about many things not understood. I understood that the oligarchy and imperialism not ask for anything, you have to take it away, they do not give up. Us is that sometimes we agree to their taunts.
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