For this article we will first talk about real conspiracies and after speculation.
During the Cold War (which actually should start calling World War III, because although the U.S. and the USSR was not directly confronted each other that made it through third countries) formed NATO secret armies in Europe, first forecast of a Soviet invasion to act on their rear and then to influence the policy of the European countries through terrorist attacks.
Each country had a different code name. In Italy they were known as Operation Gladio , as it is in Italy where he has been able to unearth more about this case, the name has come to be used to refer to the entire NATO operation. The recruits were people of extreme right, including former Nazis, and their targets were civilians. The purpose was to lay the blame of attacks on leftist groups to enable governments to make arrests and voters know who had to vote, or to eliminate annoying characters.
Between 1969 and 1987 were in Italy 14,591 acts of politically motivated violence, with 491 dead and 1,181 wounded. The attacks of this network in Italy were, for example, an explosion at the Bologna train station which caused 85 deaths. The head of Italian military secret service admitted it had set up a secret network orders from U.S. and NATO. U.S. trying to Italy as a colony of their empire.
This whole issue is still under investigation, but there is much secrecy and few people willing to talk about it.
Castilian Wikipedia article (in English more data, as almost always): C3% B3n_Gladio
article Daniele Ganser, researcher: html
Interview with Daniele Ganser: 20secretos/index.html
And here the fact that reality that rarely speaks and which we shall return later. Now for the speculation, which is what generates more noise. Daniel Estulin
, "researcher pop of whom I have already spoken in two articles ( Conspiracies: Daniel Estulin and Conspiracies 2) presents this week a new book with the suggestive title of "Invisible Empire" (almost 500 pages). Estulin
began by saying that he had contacts in intelligence because his grandfather was the KGB. Now he has changed his story and tells us that he has been a secret agent, and has killed people and industrial sabotage practiced in African countries. One of the book is devoted to alleged anecdotes of his travels, when engaged in locating and eliminating some diamond dealers that provide financing to terrorists. Another part is dedicated to defend his friend Victor Bout , the famous arms dealer.
Estulin told us that the U.S. accuse Bout of selling nuclear warheads to Iran, but behind closed doors to the public not knowing. Then at a higher level of secrecy that fewer people have access, would accuse him of having taken out a nuclear missile submarine Kursk (sunk in 2000) which was used in the attack on the Pentagon during the 11-S. Come on, it was not a plane, which was actually a missile fired from a submarine, and who had not thrown the Russians. For my part I have doubts that a plane reached the Pentagon, but hey, the theory is another theory Estulin of a man who lives to write dubious theories.
then returns to the topic of drugs, the big business of all secret services and "lubricant of the global economy, the U.S. would participate from the base of Bangram in Afghanistan.
The last chapter is devoted to nuclear terrorism. There are mini-nukes, that's not a fantasy ( wikipedia: SADM , these weapons can weigh between 23 and 68 kilos and set its power through a dial with ranges between 10 and 1,000 tons of TNT). The problem is when conspiracy theorists tell us that they have used in what the media have told us they were conventional attacks. And yet Estulin goes further: He claims that the attack Barajas T4 was atomic.
His theory is this: in fact it had an ETA bomb, but the French secret service (which has nukes) found out and decided that he would also give more funny if they put a bomb in the T4 and popping at the same time and the same second that of ETA. Did anyone see sense? Well, Mr. Estulin is going to get tired of talking about this in every interview to publicize his book.
In conclusion: Estulin be read as entertainment and ask you to write novels, Dan Brown is a , and how it should admit that only includes some real things in the midst of so much fantasy. Instead, there are people who actually investigated and is just scratching the surface really serious frame.
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