Monday, February 21, 2011

Accepted Range Of Bilirubin Level Of Baby

Déjà vu?

Something "deja vu, but we need to understand the metaphorical sense the definition I give to the French expression, derived from psychology. In this case, it is clear that the "already seen" refers to the longstanding reactionary behavior Salvadoran private company versus the need to provide, as is required by law, the tax authorities to say they are socially responsible. For all, it is clear that these entrepreneurs do not go very far, because para ellos es mejor que nos sigamos desangrando entre hermanos, en medio de la delincuencia, el crimen organizado y el narcotráfico, pues ellos se sienten cachimbones. Mientras, el gobierno teme entrarle de lleno para corregir esa situación y entonces que se profundice la miseria y la violencia.
Como algo “ya visto”, comparto en esta oportunidad un material que publiqué en medios de prensa internacionales en el año 2000 cuando, pese a todo, existía una pequeña esperanza de corregir muchas cosas que salieron torcidas de los Acuerdos de Paz, firmados en enero de 1992, entre ellas el fracaso anunciado del Foro para la concertación Económica-Social. Ahora el turno le for the Economic and Social Council, I hope that this situation goes hand in hand with the intelligence of their representatives, especially labor and academic sectors, because these entrepreneurs can expect little freeloaders, is like asking, as the saying goes, pears the impossible.
By Guillermo Mejía
Editor director Estate ,
online newspaper.

"Lessons of a revolution that was not"

The expected changes in El Salvador, particularly in the socio-economic were frustrated. Commissioning specific part of the Peace Accords, signed in 1992, went from being a dead letter as the time spent in fratricidal slaughter. Central are lessons that we must take into account and thus avoid future errors.

The violence that is experienced at present has much to do with that missed opportunity. The National Association of Private Enterprise (ANEP) reported that kidnappings are the order of the day and it is estimated that recent kidnappings have been paid millions of dollars.

But what happened? No doubt the transition said the political participation of the left aglutinada en el Frente Farabundo Martí para la Liberación Nacional (FMLN), que cada vez disfruta de su ascenso en las esferas del poder legislativo y municipal, e incluso saborea su llegada a la presidencia. Sin embargo, esa ganancia temporal no lo es todo. La marginación social y económica, en que subsiste gran parte de salvadoreños, se profundiza en medio de la implantación del sistema neoliberal y sin que existan opciones para los sectores populares.

Si los empresarios y los políticos, especialmente del partido Alianza Republicana Nacionalista (Arena), hubieran sido futuristas estaríamos en otra situación. Claro que también hay que hablar de la inconsecuencia de a wealthy FMLN did not make a serious effort to be fulfilled the Peace Accords.

In this sense, political obscurantism and employers did succumb, in 1993, the only way out was civilized to the crisis: the Forum for Economic and Social Agreement, which were represented by employers, workers and government. He claimed that forum a series of agreements to economic and social development for the benefit of citizens.

At this point, as regards the design, there would be a legal framework for work to promote and maintain a climate of harmony in labor relations, and the same concrete proposals overcome the urban and rural marginalization. Instead, blindness has led to more social confrontation, if not see the eternal labor conflicts. Pathetic case is what happened in the Salvadoran Social Security Institute (ISSS) that after eight months of the outbreak of a strike is not yet solved the problems that led workers to picket.

Nor have taken concrete steps to counter the social and economic marginalization. Everyone has to be saved as possible, has never experienced the solidarity with the homeless, in the end what is fashionable is tougher laws to punish the rampant crime as if born of nowhere, like they do not have deep roots in this marginalization.

In other words, the Salvadoran society devolves into a state that was supposedly passed the Peace Accords. With nostalgic former guerrilla commander Leonel Gonzalez lamented that the FMLN was wrong to lay down their arms without compliance to the letter of the Peace Accords. Despite the political moment in which he said, in the last election turmoil, may be right, and much more to see a complacent left dreaming of becoming president in 2004. Which country will to govern?, Is the question.
so far behind right, I repeat, do not take steps in the search for a better horizon. persists in its stubbornness, its greed, that is not possible solutions to problems that become unmanageable. Not very useful, in that context, right, left, religious, business, etc. join in the clamor for end to violence daily. The power is in the hands of the blind.

In conclusion, it was the opportunity, were dashed changes will have to wait to know what to return to the path. The social and economic crisis facing the majority of Salvadorans evidence that was not revolution. And beware, Central America, the future is uncertain the region ... willy-nilly, like it or not, we share the same evils, and similar political class.

"Déjà vu *, countrymen? You judge!
The paramnesia or "déjà vu" is usually a memory disorder characterized by the illusion of remembering things and situations you live for the first time.



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