Saturday, February 26, 2011

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L or previously was straight, flat, takes a twist or warp. That is an inflection. Although it can be interpreted as a change of direction, perhaps as a mitigation, such as when we refer to your voice. In any case, according to the deputy Roberto Lorenzana, "the FMLN has historically maintained a relationship (to the U.S.) has had a set of inflections." In addition to express curiosity, it specifically says that they have maintained a changing relationship. That is, historically, have not had maintained a position of principle. But this is not what he meant, but history has been forced to change their position on the United States.

E sto true. The opportunist is the fluctuations and changes in the wind, it fits in every situation, is lounging on the couch in the circumstances, it sprawls comfortably into the appropriate position being offered. I remember like it was yesterday, the insistent distinction made during the war between the people and government of the United States. One was our ally, the other our worst enemy to be released, independent. The FMLN has been bending, stooping from the harsh realities of imperialist power. Now the deputy Lorenzana, FMLN spokesman, not only to produce a turning point from that position, but we run a circus and we tumble out of the hat, the perfect unity between the American people and government.

In these statements the deputy Lorenzana, in addition to revealing the joy of the FMLN for Barak Obama's visit to the country, his change of position on imperialism, the spokesman efemelinista trust us something very important: the president's visit State States of America is "a special event of extraordinary importance for the FMLN" and perhaps the "most momentous political event so far of the administration of President Funes." Neither more nor less. There have been social and economic measures which both insist that this government has done for the people, nor the restoration of diplomatic relations with Cuba, after half a century if any broken.

In any case, one said that perhaps our MP has thick arguments for such an astute assumptions and that our national horizon will lighten, and soon find the path towards solving all our problems. However, we must resign ourselves: Roberto Lorenzana is a whelp over our political scene, the emptiness of their guesses the pompous words filled.

journalists who interviewed him, wanted to know if this extraordinarily important political event, perhaps the most momentous Funes government until today, would bring change to our compatriots who live illegally in the United States. The deputy, with responsibility and with some fear of being sent to silence the President Funes, says he "can not advance any of that, but we know that the President Mauricio Funes has advanced to make a special approach to President Obama to improve immigration status of Salvadorans. " What we know is that Mauricio Funes all assured us that during his last conversation with Obama raised the issue of Salvadoran immigrants. We have already seen the result: NOTHING! The extension of TPS is how little was achieved and, as we all know, that covers a fraction of our compatriots living in the United States. This was what GW Bush remembered former President Saca.
l E Lorenzana deputy can not give more details because it ignores the agenda. How dare to conclude that it will be a momentous event? In fact, Rep. merely expressed what they would like, especially with regard to fellow immigrants. And the balance has already Lorenzana as Obama's visit is "a manifestation of confidence in the Salvadoran people, is recognition of the effort made to get out of the critical situation which has been found, a people who have made enormous efforts to achieve positive results in its development, we left a conflict, we made a successful negotiation process, we made a reconstruction process, we began a process of democratic transition that has resulted in this change has been a very positive transition, while generated breaks are not to be carried to political destabilization in the country and I think this is recognition throughout the country and especially the leadership of President Mauricio Funes. "

Is not it too idyllic this summary of the history of recent decades in El Salvador? The problem of sleight of history recurs, do the right editors and leaders of the FMLN. If you read this summary carefully, you will realize that the war of national liberation becomes a conflict (no name or surname), that negotiations were successful and even better result, because with the right in power, "we had a process reconstruction of the country. " Remember what was said about it just two years ago? And the role played by the United States in the "conflict" was incorporated into the group of four and became a "four plus one." Their participation in the war, active and millionaire, has been stolen, you can not talk about it now, this issue must be disposed of our history, we are now "strategic allies." The United States brought us peace! For the deputy

Lorenzana, the U.S. intervention in the Middle East becomes geo-political interest. But Mubarak remained 30 years in power with the complicity and support of imperialism. Repression in Egypt, and Tunisia is not of recent days, the repression was constant, cruel and bloody. "The United States ignored this? No. But the FMLN deputy welcomes Obama cancel their tour of Brazil, Chile and our country to engage fully in the interests of oil companies in the region. The confused deputy Argentina and Brazil, this is a detail, but in the end, even this does not put the necessary attention.
Carlos Abrego
Things as temporary


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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now or ever kneeling

C sa we said before, the latest UNDP report on human development in El Salvador, we had set foot on earth, we are a country that has little progress in the fight against social and economic exclusion. The poverty they live more than a third of Salvadoran families and about half of the population, a thorough reform is urgent fiscal frontal attack this problem that we have had for decades. It is in this context that we must place the issue of the Fiscal Pact, as discussed in recent days, especially for the removal of private company Economic and Social Council.

February 21, 2011

E n general, employers say that the government does not pursue a fiscal pact because it is under his arm a proposed tax increase, and that's not a covenant but a tax reform. Thus, say the entrepreneurs, the place for discussion is the Economic and Social Council, but the Legislature. According to private enterprise, accepting the Government's proposal to discuss the issue on the Council is given to manipulation. According to the Executive, the discussion moves to the Assembly, means accepting that tax reform will not happen soon, because no political party will want to pay political costs at election time. Such bickering has captured the attention of the public agenda, to the extent that the Archbishop of San Salvador, Monsignor Escobar Alas, asked sensible dialogue on the issue.

Beyond the specific arguments of business and government reactions, we take a look the background of these positions. For big business, the problem in El Salvador is not inequality but poverty. It is not, in this view, removing the rich to give to the poor, but to create conditions from all sectors so that there is a virtuous circle that enhances the market economy. We should not look at a few have much and many have almost nothing, they say, but in helping to support poor entrepreneurs to create jobs and investment. This position is reinforced by saying it is a myth that employers do not contribute to the country. According to them, through their companies, are the biggest sector aid to El Salvador, and it shows with the amounts contributing to the treasury, each year.

What they forget to employers is what some of them do not pay for tax evasion, according to a recent calculation that added more than 9 billion dollars for the period 2001-2009. The reluctance to sacrifice profits due to the golden rule of any employer to: reduce costs and maximize profits. And to them, work with the country represents a cost. Has never played a large employer that is a good time to raise taxes or wages of its employees. For this type of petty attitudes and the complicity of the previous government is that we can understand the words of the UNDP report, section IV: "The Salvador no ha podido construir, hasta ahora, una economía al servicio de la gente”.

Ni antes de la guerra, cuando la economía salvadoreña giraba en torno al café, la caña y el algodón; ni en la actualidad, cuando la agricultura está prácticamente perdida y los bancos y los grandes centros comerciales se levantan donde antes florecían los cafetales, los empresarios han estado dispuestos a sacrificar sus márgenes de ganancia. Ni durante el siglo pasado, cuando 14 familias dominaban el país, ni hoy, cuando un cerrado y poderoso grupo de empresarios determina en gran medida la lógica de la economía, la empresa privada nunca ha mostrado solidaridad con el pueblo que suffers. The levels of avarice and greed of those who have greater economic power, becomes almost outrageous in our country.

What is clear is that El Salvador urgently needs a deep fiscal reform and meaningful, allowing for higher social spending. The attitude of employers, so far, remains the same as ever. It remains to be seen whether this government is different from the past or continues to favor some economic dynamics and privilege that deepen inequality.


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

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The condition is manifest

M uch emphasis has been the president Mauricio Funes FMLN several of its officials that Barak Obama is different from other imperialist governments that succeeded him. In this regard, we read the statements by the Chancellor pathetic Hugo Martinez Counterpoint: "We have seen that President Obama has met with the speech he gave at the Summit of the Americas in Trinidad and Tobago, a new policy toward Latin America" , said the Salvadoran foreign minister, in noting that Washington did not intervene in Honduras when the coup occurred in 2009.

A gency, grotezcamente and without anyone asks for them, try to make the gap between Obama and imperialist monopolies it represents. Claim that the people eat the story that has nothing to do with the actions of the CIA and USAID, and with surveillance equipment and intervention available to the Department of State. In his simple-minded analysis, little has failed to match them in calling the U.S. president as "left."

All these years of Obama's presidential year, have demonstrated its total commitment to the imperialist monopolies. The initial rhetoric of "change" (also political marketing used by the puppet Funes FMLN leaders and knees), nothing remains. Both the American people and the peoples of the world find a ratification in the traditional U.S. policy. Internally, as in El Salvador, the economic crisis is unloaded onto the shoulders of workers. Today, both the American people and the peoples of the Third World, increasing unemployment and poverty live. We see demonstrations and strikes (Wisconsin is a prime example) within the U.S. itself, to protest the greedy economic policies neoliberal.

Despite the statement with respect to hemispheric neighbors, Obama has reaffirmed the policy itself for more than 20 years: the war on drugs, war against terrorism, combating the threat organized crime, the challenges of environmental damage, the dilemma of undocumented migration to the U.S. and the danger of "radical populism", the rhetorical support for democracy and human rights (of course, according to the U.S. vision); but this topped with coups, intrigue, plots, intervention with troops and economic strangulation.

Government Obama, like the government of El Salvador, are made by bureaucrats, officials and politicians from dark and bloody past that governments acted right. For example, Defense Secretary Robert Gates, has a long history during the Cold War, the stage of a feverish anti-communism and anti-leftism that led to genocide. Gates is known that in the 80's, proposed to recognize a government in exile and direct military intervention, with Yankee troops in Nicaragua, which did not take place.

A unque el tono haya cambiado, la política del gobierno de Obama, al igual que con Bush, sigue siendo agresiva contra todo lo que atente a los intereses y vulnere su hegemonía en la región. En ese sentido, Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador, Cuba y Argentina son blanco permanente de sus ataques y acciones desestabilizadoras.

En Centroamérica hubo golpe de estado en Honduras (el eslabón débil del ALBA), hay presencia militar de tropas estadounidenses, Escuela de Policías golpistas, y ahora se adapta el Plan Colombia para la región centroamericana con Mauricio Funes jugando el rol que Alvaro Uribe jugó en su tiempo. Por otro lado, está el apoyo a Uribe, before, and Manuel Santos now. For Obama, Colombia would become an "oasis of democracy." In this country he is presented as a model counterinsurgency as a reliable ally, claiming the U.S. military power in the region, Colombia is a huge U.S. military base and a constant threat in the region.

What then is the difference between Obama, Bush father and son or Clinton? Apart from the origin and skin color and rhetoric, there is no fundamental change in the traditional interventionist policy of U.S. imperialism and its current government.

Sent to our mailbox by John C.


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Monday, February 21, 2011

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Déjà vu?

Something "deja vu, but we need to understand the metaphorical sense the definition I give to the French expression, derived from psychology. In this case, it is clear that the "already seen" refers to the longstanding reactionary behavior Salvadoran private company versus the need to provide, as is required by law, the tax authorities to say they are socially responsible. For all, it is clear that these entrepreneurs do not go very far, because para ellos es mejor que nos sigamos desangrando entre hermanos, en medio de la delincuencia, el crimen organizado y el narcotráfico, pues ellos se sienten cachimbones. Mientras, el gobierno teme entrarle de lleno para corregir esa situación y entonces que se profundice la miseria y la violencia.
Como algo “ya visto”, comparto en esta oportunidad un material que publiqué en medios de prensa internacionales en el año 2000 cuando, pese a todo, existía una pequeña esperanza de corregir muchas cosas que salieron torcidas de los Acuerdos de Paz, firmados en enero de 1992, entre ellas el fracaso anunciado del Foro para la concertación Económica-Social. Ahora el turno le for the Economic and Social Council, I hope that this situation goes hand in hand with the intelligence of their representatives, especially labor and academic sectors, because these entrepreneurs can expect little freeloaders, is like asking, as the saying goes, pears the impossible.
By Guillermo Mejía
Editor director Estate ,
online newspaper.

"Lessons of a revolution that was not"

The expected changes in El Salvador, particularly in the socio-economic were frustrated. Commissioning specific part of the Peace Accords, signed in 1992, went from being a dead letter as the time spent in fratricidal slaughter. Central are lessons that we must take into account and thus avoid future errors.

The violence that is experienced at present has much to do with that missed opportunity. The National Association of Private Enterprise (ANEP) reported that kidnappings are the order of the day and it is estimated that recent kidnappings have been paid millions of dollars.

But what happened? No doubt the transition said the political participation of the left aglutinada en el Frente Farabundo Martí para la Liberación Nacional (FMLN), que cada vez disfruta de su ascenso en las esferas del poder legislativo y municipal, e incluso saborea su llegada a la presidencia. Sin embargo, esa ganancia temporal no lo es todo. La marginación social y económica, en que subsiste gran parte de salvadoreños, se profundiza en medio de la implantación del sistema neoliberal y sin que existan opciones para los sectores populares.

Si los empresarios y los políticos, especialmente del partido Alianza Republicana Nacionalista (Arena), hubieran sido futuristas estaríamos en otra situación. Claro que también hay que hablar de la inconsecuencia de a wealthy FMLN did not make a serious effort to be fulfilled the Peace Accords.

In this sense, political obscurantism and employers did succumb, in 1993, the only way out was civilized to the crisis: the Forum for Economic and Social Agreement, which were represented by employers, workers and government. He claimed that forum a series of agreements to economic and social development for the benefit of citizens.

At this point, as regards the design, there would be a legal framework for work to promote and maintain a climate of harmony in labor relations, and the same concrete proposals overcome the urban and rural marginalization. Instead, blindness has led to more social confrontation, if not see the eternal labor conflicts. Pathetic case is what happened in the Salvadoran Social Security Institute (ISSS) that after eight months of the outbreak of a strike is not yet solved the problems that led workers to picket.

Nor have taken concrete steps to counter the social and economic marginalization. Everyone has to be saved as possible, has never experienced the solidarity with the homeless, in the end what is fashionable is tougher laws to punish the rampant crime as if born of nowhere, like they do not have deep roots in this marginalization.

In other words, the Salvadoran society devolves into a state that was supposedly passed the Peace Accords. With nostalgic former guerrilla commander Leonel Gonzalez lamented that the FMLN was wrong to lay down their arms without compliance to the letter of the Peace Accords. Despite the political moment in which he said, in the last election turmoil, may be right, and much more to see a complacent left dreaming of becoming president in 2004. Which country will to govern?, Is the question.
so far behind right, I repeat, do not take steps in the search for a better horizon. persists in its stubbornness, its greed, that is not possible solutions to problems that become unmanageable. Not very useful, in that context, right, left, religious, business, etc. join in the clamor for end to violence daily. The power is in the hands of the blind.

In conclusion, it was the opportunity, were dashed changes will have to wait to know what to return to the path. The social and economic crisis facing the majority of Salvadorans evidence that was not revolution. And beware, Central America, the future is uncertain the region ... willy-nilly, like it or not, we share the same evils, and similar political class.

"Déjà vu *, countrymen? You judge!
The paramnesia or "déjà vu" is usually a memory disorder characterized by the illusion of remembering things and situations you live for the first time.


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10: Kung Fu Conspiracy 4

From the depths of time and the ancient dynasties to an army of two million soldiers, from the warrior monks of Shaolin to entertainment industry, the Kung-Fu is one of the most popular martial arts and the world's deadliest. Jason

and Bill , that after several beatings have finally seen the victory in the previous chapter, it will travel to China to learn kung-fu and fight against a champion. First you walk through Beijing (formerly known as Beijing ) and see an outdoor display. We explain that there internally, that is the inner strength and is like tai chi , and external form, ranging from banging using muscle power.

and see the exhibition continues maneuvers judo-like combined with sinuous movements and gestures peliculeros. then we speak of "sanda" , the kung-fu fights in a ring with boxing gloves and show us who will be your host and will seek rival, Chao Chen, a Chinese two-meter has three-time national champion in China. You have already chosen an opponent to stand up to one of the presenters, and advises them to first consider the classic kung-fu and then move to the modern style of watermelon.

The first stop is a film studio, where we see the films are shot using cables to make great leaps. A choreographer teaches a technique that can be used in actual combat, and consists of two kicks, with the first attack is diverted enemy while he jumps and before hitting the ground is released the second against the rival. The truth is that it does not seem very practical in a ring. Then the boys have fun testing the cables and stick swords.

second stop, the Great Wall of China . They are tourists, is normal.

We have a master of Wing Chun style that Bruce Lee practiced with , and tell us that the style was invented by a woman and does not use much force. The beats are straight against the enemy center line of the body. They practice the art of throwing several punches in quick succession (you can see in several films of Jackie Chan ) against the opponent's sternum. While each punch has a relatively low force, the sum of all in such a short space of time can cause great harm.

Then the teacher makes a show of fighting blindfolded, and not only delivering a poor tow against sparring but it just seems to wounding.

Jason and Bill are still looking for new techniques to survive his next fight. The next destination is a training camp of the military police. Learn a front kick technique. As expected Jason makes it better than Bill, which is still somewhat awkward for these things, but as surrounded by fighters is shorter than he is satisfied to use their size to reach the height of their heads.

A brief history of China and a trip to a gym in Sanda. Practice another type of kick and a defense against kicks is in fact already seen in the episode dedicated to the Marines. Spend some time there training and pounding punching bags until they decide to make a visit impossible: the Shaolin Temple . The abbot tells the story of Boddidharma , the monk who came from India to teach them to fight. There follows the scenes of monks training with sticks and spears. Our presenters

favorite dress of monks and set out to train with them. First come the cane gun , in learning to hit in the crotch:

des I do not I put you there, Pipón.

and then play around with a kind of short halberd with a blade the size of an arm and nine metal rings in the Tailstocks to make a noise that terrified the enemy. But this is folklore, here have come to learn techniques they can use in a ring, and then we see the monks demonstrate animal based styles, eagle, snake, mantis, and Tiger. We speak a bit of inner strength, the ki , and meditate a little.

then engaged in striking a wooden column with the forearms, a sack of grain with his fists, a cup is placed on the crown and bend over without dropping them. The monks go beyond, one breaks a metal rod on the head, another was held in the air on two key points spears with a little chest ... Normal for tourists. Meditation and inner strength makes them ignore the pain.

And playing the final match. We see a huge square in the ring medium, and dozens of Chinese students sitting on the floor, waiting to see the duel. The rival is 18 and looks very confident. It is the first fight with an alien and is excited. Bill and Jason have tea with a teacher before fighting, then they must decide which of them gets in the ring. Clearly that has to be Jason, as it has been managed better during training.

The rules: 5 rounds of 1 minute each. Each punch gives 1 point, and each kick gives 2 points. The demolitions are worth 2 points. Wear gloves, helmet and breastplate.

Prime assault, Jason stops to kick the Chinese, and get a hug overthrow winning the first 2 points. Stop another kick and then makes the throw he learned in the gym, adding another 2 points. Bill announced that ten more seconds of assault, and then Chinese and Jason pushes him out of the ring, which counts as a kill. But it was a normal boost, you could have done either. Second

assault; exchange of kicks. Jason gets down and tries to stop a rival, but becomes unbalanced in the attempt and downed him. He has won the first assault, but lost the second. Third

assault, are dedicated to making dams and try to topple. Jason is shown above. Then released to hit and just two out of the ring, without join points. The judges give the assault on the Chinese fighter, but the truth is that Jason has blocked most kicks. Fourth

assault, Jason has been fried to arrests based rival, hugs and demolition. We notice that is stronger, because it loses only occasionally allowed to reach for a shot. The Chinese attempt a flying kick, but Jason grabs his leg in mid-air and knocks down mercilessly. To end the assault to drive him out of the ring once again. The audience applauds. The assault is for Jason, are currently tied 2-2. Fifth

assault, Jason got kicked in the throat so early. Things have been serious. Chinese is knocked down twice more, but Jason has taken several hits while doing so. Just the assault and everything is in the hands of judges. The judges say the assault has been 9-7 in favor of the local team, which lost Jason. But the audience applauded them.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

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For this article we will first talk about real conspiracies and after speculation.

During the Cold War (which actually should start calling World War III, because although the U.S. and the USSR was not directly confronted each other that made it through third countries) formed NATO secret armies in Europe, first forecast of a Soviet invasion to act on their rear and then to influence the policy of the European countries through terrorist attacks.

Each country had a different code name. In Italy they were known as Operation Gladio , as it is in Italy where he has been able to unearth more about this case, the name has come to be used to refer to the entire NATO operation. The recruits were people of extreme right, including former Nazis, and their targets were civilians. The purpose was to lay the blame of attacks on leftist groups to enable governments to make arrests and voters know who had to vote, or to eliminate annoying characters.

Between 1969 and 1987 were in Italy 14,591 acts of politically motivated violence, with 491 dead and 1,181 wounded. The attacks of this network in Italy were, for example, an explosion at the Bologna train station which caused 85 deaths. The head of Italian military secret service admitted it had set up a secret network orders from U.S. and NATO. U.S. trying to Italy as a colony of their empire.

This whole issue is still under investigation, but there is much secrecy and few people willing to talk about it.

Castilian Wikipedia article (in English more data, as almost always): C3% B3n_Gladio

article Daniele Ganser, researcher: html

Interview with Daniele Ganser: 20secretos/index.html

And here the fact that reality that rarely speaks and which we shall return later. Now for the speculation, which is what generates more noise. Daniel Estulin

, "researcher pop of whom I have already spoken in two articles ( Conspiracies: Daniel Estulin and Conspiracies 2) presents this week a new book with the suggestive title of "Invisible Empire" (almost 500 pages). Estulin

began by saying that he had contacts in intelligence because his grandfather was the KGB. Now he has changed his story and tells us that he has been a secret agent, and has killed people and industrial sabotage practiced in African countries. One of the book is devoted to alleged anecdotes of his travels, when engaged in locating and eliminating some diamond dealers that provide financing to terrorists. Another part is dedicated to defend his friend Victor Bout , the famous arms dealer.

Estulin told us that the U.S. accuse Bout of selling nuclear warheads to Iran, but behind closed doors to the public not knowing. Then at a higher level of secrecy that fewer people have access, would accuse him of having taken out a nuclear missile submarine Kursk (sunk in 2000) which was used in the attack on the Pentagon during the 11-S. Come on, it was not a plane, which was actually a missile fired from a submarine, and who had not thrown the Russians. For my part I have doubts that a plane reached the Pentagon, but hey, the theory is another theory Estulin of a man who lives to write dubious theories.

then returns to the topic of drugs, the big business of all secret services and "lubricant of the global economy, the U.S. would participate from the base of Bangram in Afghanistan.

The last chapter is devoted to nuclear terrorism. There are mini-nukes, that's not a fantasy ( wikipedia: SADM , these weapons can weigh between 23 and 68 kilos and set its power through a dial with ranges between 10 and 1,000 tons of TNT). The problem is when conspiracy theorists tell us that they have used in what the media have told us they were conventional attacks. And yet Estulin goes further: He claims that the attack Barajas T4 was atomic.

His theory is this: in fact it had an ETA bomb, but the French secret service (which has nukes) found out and decided that he would also give more funny if they put a bomb in the T4 and popping at the same time and the same second that of ETA. Did anyone see sense? Well, Mr. Estulin is going to get tired of talking about this in every interview to publicize his book.

In conclusion: Estulin be read as entertainment and ask you to write novels, Dan Brown is a , and how it should admit that only includes some real things in the midst of so much fantasy. Instead, there are people who actually investigated and is just scratching the surface really serious frame.

Monday, February 14, 2011

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In February 2011 Egyptians thousands of protesters managed to convince the army of his country (which takes at least 30 years in the pay of U.S. ) that cast them to the dictator Mubarak . But ... Could they have gotten from not having a place as big as the Tahrir of Cairo ? Maybe, but the fact is that the urban environment has an effect on people and developments. A city whose planning does not allow thousands of protesters to camp it would become more difficult.

Guy Debord and the Situationist International told us about the psychogeography apparently pseudoscientific a joke and an excuse to leave the streets, uttering high-sounding phrases that seem wasteful culture and esoteric knowledge, and maybe get drunk but with a reflection on our environment and its effects on people.

For example, psychogeographers theorize about public transport in cities; How easy it is for people living in the worst neighborhoods of the city to get to the posh neighborhoods? "The council has decided consciously that there is no train that will communicate? The lower classes can no longer know or what the class struggle, but the upper classes continued to practice.

certainly a complex issue, which this example is the only thing I could find some sense. You can find more information about this matter online, but I notice that people write very rare.

Saturday, February 5, 2011 Indir

If I did not have many means of communication at your service the PP would have a serious problem with the crisis, since any economic proposal that they may occur and is by the current government. It would honor the Popular Party was dissolved and its members asked the PSOE card. But honestly the last person who worked on the PP was a certain Pimentel resigned long ago. Rajoy

is asked (in a question agreed in advance) for their proposals, and replies that are pointing to a role, but does not understand his own handwriting. I do not know if it is stronger than memory not know their own ideas, who can not read what you write, or that even the girl who asked him the direct question he will vote for a fool anyway whatsoever. (Sources: C2% BFque-action-take-rajoy-to-create-empleo.html )

is possible that this loafer with an IQ below that of white cucumber and oratorical skills based on Mortadelo comics end up being the first president voted in Spain that has no zeta in both names ( remember: Suárez González, González Márquez, Aznar López, Rodríguez Zapatero), but it is possible to fail a third time and his party have to seek a successor.

And just as in the previous article we offered ten possible successors to Zapatero, in this article do the same with Mary Rajoy.

1. José María Alfredo Aznar López

Indeed. Aznar, influenced by the story of Cincinnatus and its readings on the U.S., was limited to two terms rule and we all seemed good to go. The trouble is that Cincinnatus returned, which may inspire them to return if Spain (or the Peper, at least) so requests.

2. María Ana Botella Serrano

A woman in government is what we need to be modern, and above is a "woman-woman" says her husband, and even the most conservative will agree. Above is intellectual he has ever written anything, and has experience in council of Madrid.

3. Francisco Enrique Camps Ortiz

lineup would be better put to Eduardo Zaplana Hernández-Soro because it has two z's, also in the lineup could repeat the slogan ZP but meaning "Zaplana President" . But it may be, it would behoove his successor in the Valencian government, the Camps, which as an emasculated version of Berlusconi would become president for illegal wiretapping and get rid of the case Gürtel.
addition, once a president would come clean in the media. It is rumored that the Valencian regional TV is a statue of Camps and to work there have to kiss in places.

4. Esperanza Aguirre Gil de Viedma, Countess consort of Murillo and Grandee of Spain

all know that she wishes, and half of peper journalists owe favors and support over Rajoy, not directly say that they kiss you she wants. It's a little feared and hated outside Madrid, but once you get the job you know that PP voters do not care who the headliners for faithfully vote stands.

5. Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón Jiménez

Two Zetas! Could win the election and everything.
addition, outside of Madrid has a good image centrist rival lacks Espe, thereby PSOE voters would be afraid and will not likely be deterred from going to the polls, making his victory.

6. Carlos Herrera Crusset

every morning reading for Onda Cero argue that the PP sends you to set the agenda of the day. PP after politicians speak of the same issues throughout the day. If you change the station and put Cope or Esradio can often hear the same arguments, including that it would happen adjectives you can think of two different people.
Like many journalists should engage in politics openly.

7. Bertin Osborne

A guy who says he is more right than Franco.

8. Alejandro Tarik Agag Longo

No one better than the son of Aznar to succeed Rajoy. The son of an Algerian Belgian passport represents a dose of mestizaje and tolerance " that adds a centrist. Aznar trust him, and has experience with European officials. Above is young and has studied with Opus.Y is friends with Fernando Alonso ... The downside is the amount of fees that has gained in Formula 1 and his name appears in the summary of the case Gürtel.

9. Belén Esteban

(No, I put her picture in this blog.)
The voter says Stephen PP ( 10/Belen-Esteban-se-confiesa-popular-Votare-a-Mariano-Rajoy.html ) and according to a survey Tele 5 has enough electoral pull, so there goes the proposal that is itself the successor Rajoy after a possible defeat in 2012. According
Ape Planet survey, 117 people we would think would become suicide bombers if this monster becomes president.

10. Yola Berrocal.
Yes, Yola's fans voting and declared the PP and its leaders, who considered very attractive. On their website had pictures with them. If the PSOE have "those of the brow" the PP has more people according to their level. Yola say they now want to devote to politics.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Avoid Socks Slipping In Shoes

Rajoy's successor's successor

The topic is hot ... Can Zapatero to withdraw after two terms? Fear of surveys or restraint mandate to Aznar ? "Election of successor to finger or by primary? Why not a TV contest to choose the successor? Is that English democracy is not mature enough for it after 12 issues of Big Brother ?

A fact: Of the four presidents elected in a democracy (Calvo-Sotelo does not count because it was not chosen) all had the letter Z in both names. Rajoy has none, but if Rodriguez Zapatero is replaced by someone with no mushrooms can break the streak.

Here are some proposals of succession:

1. The Sinde (Ángeles González-Sinde):
As the Emperor Tiberius Caligula appointed his successor, a worse one to come after him and not leave such a bad memory of his reign, and that Zapatero could name successor to the unpopular minister of Spain . Only vote for those who do not know who he is.
2. Rubalcaba :
All media and peper point to this man as his successor, the polls favor despite being bald, and is a great communicator. Although lost save the furniture.
3. Leyre Pajin :
A woman who talks like a priest. Every sentence he is so solemn that by pure logic must be given a post in accordance with such pomp and pageantry. In fact, on the elections. Theirs is the Divine Law.
4. Carme Chacón :
was so named in polls as a possible successor. And just for that reason I put it on the list because now I can not think more reasons.
5. White cucumber :
A verb be fluid, acetate full with him, otendrá more votes than their rivals. It's so endearing as Platero, so soft on the outside, which would all cotton, which has no bones.
6. Felipe González Márquez :
with Felipe this did not happen!
7. Chiquito de la Calzada :
The situation is desperate and do not fit ideological squeamishness. A sympathetic character who falls could get enough votes and then leave matters in the hands of Rubalcaba. The news would be fun.
8. Bisbal :
Along the same vein, an Andalusian with good looks, not ideology (or ideas in general), but it falls nice. Young, winning aura. With comments on Twitter, or in interviews (" In this country there is too much freedom of expression "), the joke is assured. And it could dance at meetings.
9. Rodrigo Rato :
It is a gamble, Rato has been a minister with the PP and is engaged in banking, but now that things are going to privatize and cut social spending that kind is an ax. Why stay with the copy when you can have the original?
10. Jean-Claude Trichet :
save on intermediaries. If the bank decides to our pensions and European economic policy, let's put their jerifaltes to lead the country.