Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Scorpio Lost Interest
Conspiracies Masters in Spain (4): Del Pino family
time to talk about another company controlled by a single family: the company is called Ferrovial, and the family name Del Pino. Today
According to wikipedia is a English company dedicated to the construction, management and maintenance of transport infrastructure, including airports, highways and related services. It has presence in over 40 countries.
When privatized AENA do not know who will buy it, but I suspect that the sale is determined from a few months ago and that Ferrovial has many ballots because it is responsible for airports such as Heathrow in London . Everything depends on the Del Pino whether or not enough politicians Friends have mounted the operation.
But we split. Ferrovial was founded in 1952 by civil engineer Rafael del Pino Moreno that happens to run a construction company to create your own. The beginnings are modest, subcontracted by the state RENFE dedicated to the treatment of sleepers for the railway, and gradually diversify to build roads and dams. Rafael is married to Ana Maria Calvo-Sotelo. The destination was the brother of his wife, Leopoldo Calvo-Sotelo , was named president of RENFE in 1967, Minister of Public Works in 1976 and prime minister between 1981 and 1982. You do not want to be a bad idea and no evidence to speak of a favorable treatment, but then I remembered something from the article that inspired me to write this series (Business Class ):
"Public procurement when there are tens of millions of euros at stake are a pantomime. Many large companies are not to win, because they know they have no chance, but to see if we are lucky and get a contract. " Rafael del Pino
ended up being one of the richest men in the world and into the Forbes list with 6,500 million in 2005, English is the second richest just behind Amancio Ortega. The housing crisis and declining state investment in public works has reduced the family fortune, but the company Ferrovial admitted more than 12,000 million euros in 2009.
Now some small notes of economic theory: The free-market capitalism proposed that the State did not intervene in the economy or tax, or regulate the market because the market is only wise and regulated, and a jungle in which the big fish eats the small lead us to a utopia where everyone would be happy and free, and everyone who was sleeping under a bridge would suffer this fate because it was his fault and nobody else for not living up to what the market demands. Had to dismantle the state, except perhaps for police functions.
liberalism in practice it is impossible to work, it can not be based on an equal footing, and soon formed oligopolies that impede competition and use the State to their advantage. All that money that the state is so tasty that the big companies and banks want to sink his teeth, contractors, subcontractors, competition, privatization ... No escapes or education or health. And want to take over pensions and why they are announcing every few minutes that the system will fail.
Sucking the state get rich some, especially if the family helps. But Rafael del Pino owes everything to the family at all who knew him in life described him as a tireless worker, obsessed with punctuality, and wary of debt with the banks. He retired in 2000 and was succeeded by his son Rafael del Pino Calvo-Sotelo , and died in 2008 leaving a foundation with his name that is dedicated to preaching the virtues of free enterprise .
Ferrovial One indication that it should not be all the family is in payment of commission reports 4% CiU :
The former president of Palau de la Música Felix Millet acted as broker between companies awarded public works and the Democratic Convergence of Catalonia (CDC). This is indicated in the report that the tax office gave the judge yesterday Millet case, which indicates that the construction company Ferrovial reportedly paid 5.9 million euros to be made to work governed by CiU administrations between 2001 and 2008 . (to continue reading this article: 4% Commissions )
Rafael del Pino Calvo-Sotelo is better than you and knows |
Now we with details of the family and its business network.
family group concluded by Raphael, Mary, Leopold, Joaquin, Fernando (sons of the founder) controls indirectly through society Karlovy SL (whose statutes prohibit the entry of persons outside the family) the Most social capital Baela Portman. In turn, commercial Baela Portman holds a stake of 44.607% of the share capital of Grupo Ferrovial, SA. Rafael, who is chairman, also holds a 1.251% alone, and her sister Mary is a counselor with a 0.002%. Ferrovial's advisers have a salary of more than 6 million per year.
Rafael del Pino
turn Banesto counselor (family Booty ), so you enter more than 8 million per year, and advisory board member European Blackstone Group International Ltd. (banking investments).
The vice president is Santiago Bergareche Busquets, family Neguri Bergareche and Vocento counselor. Chairman of CEPSA and Dinamia . Adviser to the Bank Guipuzcoano and Gamesa . Gamesa is Iberdrola, Iberdrola is ACS, and ACS is the March.
Joaquín del Pino Calvo-Sotelo left the council Ferrovial (moved several siblings), but now is a director of Banco Pastor through Casa Grande de Cartagena SL and therefore receives more than 3 million per year.
The Ferrovial Group's net debt in 2010 amounted to 20,512,000 euros (1.759 million decrease compared to December 2009). And we finish with pink details: Rafael del Pino house
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