First, a clarification after the comments in Meneame ; phrase "Spain is 20 families, " may be an approximation and not a precise figure. So we will not do exactly 20 articles devoted to just 20 families, but will drop a few.
Today it is a family Booty , business , its banks, and especially its relations with the strongest media group in Spain, the PRISA group .
This I will use mainly the work of Núria Almiron, "Financial power and media power, banking and media groups. The cases of SCH and PRISA (1976-2004) "that shows over 591 pages a doctoral thesis on PRISA, on the Banco Santander, the English financial system, and the evolution of the media. Of course, I'll do a short, but I recommend anyone with enough time to read the thesis or parts that interest you after reading the index.
From page 222 we are told the story of Banco Santander. Founded in 1856 by 72 merchants Santander, with a rotating presidency between them. In 1909 it is the turn of López Emilio Botin, and later his son Emilio Botin-Sanz de Sautuola , who directed from 1950 until his retirement in 1989, continuing the current patriarch of the clan; Emilio Botin-Sanz de Sautuola y García de los Ríos .
In 1986, Santander buy Bankinter hitherto participated between Santander and Bank of America . The Botin family holds 10% stake in Bankinter (expanded now to 24%), which makes them direct owners.
But the icing comes with the intervention of Banesto, after management Mario Conde is credited with a debt of 3.636 million euros, the Bank of Spain intervenes and appoints interim president Vice-President of BBVA , but then gives it at auction to Santander for a nominal fee. The Deposit Guarantee Fund granted the Santander a credit of 1,893 million euros, and bought Banesto bad assets amounting to 1.712 million, so the Banesto Santander absorbed practically nothing, claiming the credits and also receiving aid sunk. At the end Mario Conde was convicted scam 42.97 million euros, which puts into question the debt attached by the Bank of Spain to justify its intervention.
On page 277, in the section on directors who are highlights of SCH, we read that one of them is Luis Angel Rojo , who was governor of the Bank of Spain between 1992 and 2000. In 1994 ordered the intervention of Banesto and Santander handed. Coincidentally in 2005, and without owning a single share of the bank (which is a requirement), was appointed independent external director. Also mention the politicians who have gone through the above advice: Matias Rodriguez Inciarte (Minister Calvo-Sotelo and regular attendee at Bilderberg Club ), Abel Matutes ( Minister Aznar ) Lord Terence Burns and (from the merger the Abbey , English politician who had charges related to the economy). Banesto
With the SCH enters stake in Antena 3 TV . The current control of the chain by the Metro Group occurs through the financial support of La Caixa and SCH.
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in 1999 merged with Santander Central Hispano and SCH born, increasing industrial portfolio. In 2004 British bank buys the sixth, the Abbey National . Before that Santander was allied with the Royal Bank of Scotland through an exchange of shares between them.
Report author tells us that not telling the whole truth about who controls the holding companies of the booty. Page 293:
Then read what advisors have relationships with media; Ana Patricia Botin was Minister of Televisa (main Television Group Latin America), adviser to Lord Terence Burns Pearson and Manuel Soto Serrano counselor Corporation Financiera Alba (the March, again) and president of Arthur Andersen while this audit the SCH.
In can read Wikipedia's entry Grupo Santander to get an idea of \u200b\u200ball banks that controls across the world, there are many, and figures that have made him the world's third largest bank (behind only by two Chinese banks.) We also remember how eerily Booty anticipated the outbreak of the "housing bubble" and sold offices by 4,000 million euros.
Outside of the report were the vast holdings of the booty in the form of land, where there are hunting those who regularly invite high political and business figures. On party funding, the Court of Auditors did not know how to put in its 2006 report that Santander pardoned several million in interest to PSOE: espana/1277224074.html
now up to the PRISA group, who do not know to talk about that publications "El País" , "Diario As" , "Five Days" , "Cinemania" , radio stations "Cadena SER" , "Top 40" , "M80" , "Cadena Dial" , "Max FM" , "Radio Olé" , publishers " Santillana " , " Alfaguara " , " Aguilar " , and part of " Gestevision Telecinco " (the part of the merger with Four chain) belong to the same people ; Polanco family and friends as Juan Luis Cebrián (regular Bilderberg, too). Y I fell short on the list. Among PRISA and Vocento (owned by BBVA and Ybarra family ) control over 50% of the English media.
PRISA Group has a large debt to credit institutions, which get placed on its board, shareholders "Promotora de Informaciones SA (a company linked to several banks ) in the matrix, and four banks in Sogecable : BBVA (through General Finance Corporation ), the March (through three companies) Bankinter (Botin family), and Caja Madrid .
Furthermore Juan Luis Cebrián is both director of PRISA and Bankinter, without shares in the bank (which is a requirement for being a director), Elizabeth Polanco a counselor at PRISA and Banesto (without shares), Gregorio Marañón and Bertran de Lis was President of Banif (SCH) and director of Sogecable, and also the family Del Pino (which controls the builder Ferrovial ) are Banesto and PRISA. Of course, everyone has SICAV these little taxed to the Treasury.
PRISA Among the advisers; Matías Cortés Domínguez, Emilio Botin counsel and Polanco, who knows a lot of both, and Juan Villalonga, former chairman of Telefónica .
Ramón Areces, owner of El Corte Inglés , was a shareholder of PRISA and his company, together with Telefónica , is the most invested in advertising in English media. Advertisers also control the media because the payer sends.
In February 2008, Supreme Court closed the case against Emilio Botin himself and other senior executives of Banco Santander, his nephew and a member of the Executive Committee Booty Rafael Alonso, vice president of the entity Matias Rodriguez Inciarte, and seven other people. Also filed a case filed by the Anticorruption Prosecutor by multimillionaire compensation Angel Corcostegui and Jose Maria Amusategui after the merger with Central Hispano.
The so-called "Doctrine Booty" has its origin in a lawsuit against the banker Emilio Botin of a crime of tax evasion, in which the trial was not even understand the Supreme Court "which in summary proceedings, no trial can be opened only to instances of the class action" , and as the prosecutor did not charge people had not filed directly harmed the case against the banker. Interestingly Luciano Valera, the main promoter of this doctrine did not apply it later with Judge Garzon .
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