me is what has happened again with this book, which has been praised by critics and the public (which is unusual), and is the first novel translated into Castilian of Kawakami. This writer is very popular in his country, and indeed has received several awards throughout his more or less brief literary career. His name is added because so many others, Banana Yoshimoto, Yukio Mishima, and famous and Haruki Murakami, among a long list of them, we are becoming better known thanks to the warm welcome popular literature in Japan is getting our country for a while.
As usual in these novels, the narrative flows in a quick and easy. The language is clear, no frills. The passages remind us of normal events everyday life of people. And again the stars are incomplete beings, people who do not find their site or their happiness in the society around them. Loneliness is your home, and that is why we are attracted to those who are like them, souls that survive each day without really knowing how. So are our two protagonists, Professor Matsumoto and his former student Tsukiko. that after years without ever being found by chance in a pub and start talking. From there is a succession of meetings, some by chance and others planned, in which both they get to know while enjoying pleasant moments of conversation between sake and tasty meals.
The book reads like una gran historia de amor, y no en vano es así como aparece en el título. Una historia que nace y se va haciendo fuerte a medida que avanzamos en la lectura, pero condenada en principio al fracaso por la enorme diferencia de edad entre los protagonistas y la tendencia a la soledad y la introspección de ambos, que dificultan aún más ese mutuo entendimiento. Sin embargo, a pesar de estos obstáculos, ese amor no deja de crecer, y el lector tiene el privilegio de vivirlo casi como un "voyeur", viéndolo afirmarse en cada encuentro, en cada suceso cotidiano que acontece a la inusual pareja. Hasta que la propia Tsukiko se da cuenta de ello. Y ya no habrá vuelta atrás. Precisamente es la voz de Tsukiko, convertida en narradora, la que nos lleva de la mano en esta plácida aventura, desde el mismísimo principio:
"Aquella noche bebimos cinco botellas de sake entre los dos. Pagó él. Otro día, volvimos a encontrarnos en la misma taberna y pagué yo. A partir del tercer día, pedíamos cuentas separadas y cada uno pagaba lo suyo. Desde entonces lo hicimos así. Supongo que no perdimos el contacto porque teníamos demasiadas cosas en común. No sólo nos gustaban los mismos aperitivos, sino que también estábamos de acuerdo en la distancia que dos personas deben mantener. Nos separaban unos treinta años, pero con él me sentía más a gusto que con algunos amigos de mi edad."
To make it even more appetizing, editing Cliff is a true gift, he is very careful and adds even more charm to the work. Are you overwhelmed by consumerism and bustle of this time, dive into this story and see how shadow away any stress. And how simplicity can narrate a story of love so complicated. Although after all, is there any love story that is not?
already less than two weeks to due date, but it seems that we will come out Nuria staggering and has now decided to keep warm in the belly of his mom. For if I had time to do it later, I wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a New Year filled with happiness. I hope that this Christmas so special as it will be for me. Best wishes from this little corner of the blogosphere.

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