Sunday, August 23, 2009

How Much To Fix The Porch

Juan Jose Millas: Clutter in your name

My third foray into Juan Jose Millas this work has been recommended by some of those who visit my blog, and as is happening with this author, has returned to convince me. Although the substantive issues are similar to those that frame his later novels (this was first published in 1988), it would still be an enjoyable read and above all capable of causing unease in the reader. The mix between fiction and reality and the fascination with the theme of identity reappear in this book, whose protagonists are July Orgaz, an executive at a publishing house that falls madly in love with Laura, a married woman with whom remain a passionate affair , and the psychoanalyst the first, Carlos Rodo. These characters are a love triangle with unforeseeable consequences that will eventually greatly altering the lives of the three involved.

Laura is a beautiful young woman, who quit his job to devote himself to caring for her husband and her only daughter, Agnes. Everyday low to the park with its small, and will be there where he meets Julia, who is immediately smitten. Your marriage is no longer satisfied, he feels alone and lost, and the arrival of Julius is a breath of fresh air that gives strength to renew, and also mark the beginning of a sharp turn in his life.

El verdadero protagonista de la novela es, no obstante, Julio. Es un personaje algo antipático conforme se le va conociendo -al menos eso me pareció a mí-. Es un editor que además trata de convertirse en escritor, pero aún no ha publicado nada, y envidia a aquellos más jóvenes que él que ya han sido capaces de demostrar su talento. Es significativo su encuentro con un joven escritor, Orlando Azcárate, que al no mostrarle el respeto que él espera debido a su cargo, hace que Julio llegue a oponerse a la publicación de su obra, aún reconociendo que ésta presenta una gran calidad. La novela que Julio proyecta en su mente tiene el mismo título que la nos ocupa, El desorden your name, thereby further confuse reality and fiction.

I do not want much more of a story in itself, never ceases to amaze on every page. I will say that the plot goes a long way, and really worth misled by the pen and subterfuge Miles. Increasingly find more parallels between the author and Paul Auster, because both are concerned about similar issues. The identity, as mentioned, is one of them, and another could be the small coincidences that just changing the course of our lives. Since then, with respect to the latter, I can not agree more. At the end of the day are those acontecimientos nimios, sin importancia, los que muchas veces pueden hacernos tomar caminos completamente diferentes a los que habíamos planeado en un principio.

Por cierto, es curioso que los protagonistas de esta novela se llamen igual que los de otra de Millás que ya reseñé en este espacio, Laura y Julio . Si alguien conoce el porqué de esta coincidencia (si es que lo hay, y no se trata de otro de los juegos a los que tan dado es este autor), espero que sea tan amable de desvelarlo. Curiosa que es una.

Más reseñas de obras de Juan José Millás:
- El mundo
- Laura y Julio


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