The protagonist of the book is Frances Nolan, a girl growing up in a difficult environment but expressed strength to survive outside of the ordinary. Since childhood, when many were predicting an early death because his frail and sickly, Francie proves to be a person full of life and concerns. Passionate about books, endowed with a startling imagination, what appears to turn into a vocation as a writer, and ardent lover of the school, Francie will educate struggling with a mother, Katie, who works tirelessly to get his family out, a brother he loves, Neeley, and father, Johnny, very charming but too fond of drink and without a steady job. In this family are the real forces women to endure the hardships of daily life, are the pillars of its survival, and this is demonstrated again and again throughout the history of Nolan.
Francie is as strong as a tree. For the author, the child (which might be an alter ego of her own childhood, as has been said of the book that contains a marked autobiographical) can be compared to those trees that grow in the most inhospitable proud to stand up to the heaven
"A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. Some call it the Tree of Heaven. Caiga where its seed falls, it emerges a tree struggling to reach the sky. It grows in sun-delimited tables abandoned mounds of garbage. It is the only tree that grows in the concrete. ... survive grows lush no sun, no water, even without land, apparently. We could say that is beautiful, if it were not so many of the same species. "
alongside France and Katie, are the real women characters of the novel. Endearing is the character of Aunt Sissy, a little woman conventional and battered by life, having given birth to several children who died shortly after birth. The relationship between Francie and her aunt is very special, and Sissy appears as a person full of tenderness, love and life men, and for that very much criticized in its environment, including his own family.
Betty Smith's novel, published in 1943, quickly became a best-seller. Miles de personas se vieron identificadas en los personajes de la historia. Los inmigrantes, los pobres, eran los verdaderos protagonistas. Y, junto a ellos, se ensalzaba el valor del esfuerzo y la educación como instrumentos de cambio que podían marcar el futuro de las personas. Por otro lado, la autora critica los convencionalismos sociales y la cerrazón de una sociedad que, afortunadamente, estaba empezando a cambiar gracias, entre otras cosas, a la extensión de la educación gratuita, que alcanzará a casi todas las clases sociales. Es pues un fiel retrato de la vida en la Nueva York más desfavorecida de principios del siglo pasado. De ahí su rotundo éxito nada más ser publicada.
Creo que after these words, it is clear that I recommend everyone read this book. Although his prose is not brilliant, its intent and its argument, and especially the strength of their characters, make a work more interesting. A great read for those sweltering summer afternoons that have already begun. And if they are recommended by none other than Paul Auster, who can resist?
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