The play is set in Paris in the years before the First World War. The protagonist of the story is Gabrielle, a young woman who loses her fiancé, Endre, under mysterious circumstances. This fact makes him embark on a dangerous adventure, guided by a disturbing character, Michel Terrier, who convinces her to become a sort of spy infiltrating life seems to be more data on the death of her fiancé, Dr. Pierre Galay. Little could imagine our fearless young that its mission would end up taking a course very different, and that changed his life forever personally. A mysterious book that Endre wrote shortly before his death will become the key to unlocking a dark plot that it will become comprehensible to the viewer as it progresses in reading the book. No more I tell you I do not want desvelaros details.
lovely Gabrielle is a young, innocent but very ready, and above all very brave. One of those idealistic people willing to go all the way to defend what they believe. Although at first it seems a very impressionable young because of its simplicity, little by little we will discover a more complex personality and, above all, a noble background which makes it an endearing character. Physically, the author describes it as a stunning beauty, as well as her friend Dora, who dragged his first adventure against their will. The friendship between two women seems to be indestructible, but we guess that Dora feels something even stronger to Gabrielle, but respect for his friend remains in a discrete boundary. All characters created by Anne-Marie Garat are extraordinarily rich: Sophie, the beautiful sister of Dr. Galay, which initially appears to us as an innocent housewife and mother to finish making a decision rather than risky, Mrs. Mathilde , Pierre's mother, perhaps the coolest character in the novel, or the mysterious Michel Terrier, who was so confident in Gabrielle at first, it is also one of those characters who leave their mark.
For you to see what I mean about the prose of the author, I leave a small sample:
"During those days, the snow had gone. This time I had erased everything, covered everything. One morning , there's no forms, no more noise. The monotonous mariposeo watched the light, and the land disappeared, the gravel of the avenue and then the bogies turned into a white mound. At noon it was snowing yet, the great cedars were enmantelados completely white, are over the garden walls, ran the orchard. Continued to fall to four, played the piano in saloncillo and there was no garden, no boxes of oranges, no lawn, just a sea of \u200b\u200bwhiteness still lost in the teeming tag (...) This turned the house into an island , besieged by all this whiteness, something oppressive languor and beauty, so far from the cities and towns that seemed insensibly lead to other more deep space, starts the ropes as a great ocean liner floating in the opaque cloud. "
is a book that mixes intrigue, love and action, with two wonderful places as part of the story, Paris and Venice. The novel has all the ingredients for a great novel, and reminds us of those nineteenth-century works that seduce the reader and trap it in a plot full of characters and short stories. The only "but" you can put this book is, as I said earlier, its excessive length, but perhaps every page is needed to build this particular novel. Also seems to be the beginning of a trilogy, so we have to keep track of the possible continuation of the same.